time problem


New Member

during the 10s if i get my @$$ up my belly in and my teeth together - i can handle my workout in 60 minutes

during 5s - incorporating 3 sets for compounds, 2-3 for isolation, 1 set of 15s for every compound and some ls and pulses - this is not doable...it takes at least 75 minutes...or more - an then i need to run through the gym like the white rabbit...

the simple problem is due to business and fatigue and following 20-30 minutes cardio after workout i want to keep wo time at 1 hour

how can you handle the 5s with ms and optimizing techniques within 1 hour?
Try dropping iso exercises for the post 5's. Also, you can rest-pause your 3 sets with only 10-15 seconds of rest in between. How many exercises are you doing? You may need to drop some.
I would not do the 15s for every compound movement (this seems as though it was invented by the guys on the forum in order to get their "pump"). And try doing only one set of isolations, you could even superset the 1 set for biceps and triceps, that would save a lot of time.

Joe G
the 15s during the 5s is for metabolic fatigue during the 5s. If you don't want to do burn sets during the 5s, its fine. I would advise just doing the compound + burn set for compounds. This should provide enough microtrauma plus metabolic fatigue.


You are going to have to prioritize.

Keep the compounds to the bare minimum necessary and the isolations, only those required.

Else, drop the number of sets, something I do too:

If you are using iso's to complement compounds kind of like a superset, drop the number of sets and 1 x each without rest or with very little as suggested before.

But you may have a number problem, specially if you are doing cardio on the same day, good ol'cortisol gonna catch up with ya!

I saw someone here mentioning, 35 minutes cardio and just 4 compounds + 1 isolation all in under 60 minutes.

Makes one think, all in all you may have too many exercises!
I would cut down on cardio, but that's a matter of preference and what you want to accomplish with your training. I do cardio on off days instead, which is enough for me.

Hey :)

If you lack time, the first thing you can cut out without feeling any guilt would be the metabollic stress work. Erk1/2 is less of a contributor than p38, so feel free to skip metabollic work sets if you lack time. Also, you should not be doing it as a "regular" part of the routine, anyway. Just do it once a week, or twice a week maybe. You will still grow significantly without the metabollic stress techniques, it's just that acutely increasing pH and oxidative stress within the muscle fibers, which is achieved by the metabollic stress causing an oxygen deficit and hypoxic byproducts, seems to appear to contribute to hypertrophy.

Another option is to cut down the number of exercises. Stick to core movements. I doubt that going beyond 10 or 12 exercises and forcing 2-3 sets each will do much good. What would be better is sticking to the core movements which are more effective, and squeezing out good sets from them. Let me put it this way: If I can do 2 good sets in 8 good exercises (core movements + additions), that's far better than being so fatigued by a lot of other movements, and as a result getting a few good sets in some exercises, while simply forcing myself to finish some other sets simply because I'm already not in the best shape by the time I get to them because there are many other exercises.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I would not do the 15s for every compound movement (this seems as though it was invented by the guys on the forum in order to get their "pump").
Nope, not pump. Like I mentioned above, that's for metabollic work (MAPKerk1/2, acidosis and oxygen radicals which erk1/2 is more sensitive to, and lack of blood flow which starts the condition, similar to the conditions created in occlusion studies). Again, metabollic work is not really necessary, you'll still grow significantly without it, but the rate of growth might be enhanced if you add metabollic work.

I hope I haven't left out any other concerns, I'm just tired and beat today.


What exactly do you refer to when talking about "metabolic work"? 15's?

JV is referring to either a drop set after your final work set (so stripping down to whatever weight and hitting for 10-15reps) or to doing a set of the exercise at your 15Rm, perhaps your 15RM minus 2 increments.

Nemesis, if Iw as you I'd drop down to 2 sets for compounds, and a single for the isolations. Just do that for one workout, see how it goes. I can't imagine that 2 compounds, an isolation and ls/pulses is not enough to elicit hypertrophy before RBE hits you.

Do metabolic 2x max per week.