Time to get back on the hst track!


Hi everybody....or maybe somebody?
This place seems a lot more quite since I visited it last time (2008 I think).

I used to train with hst principles, but I haven't been to a gym for over a year know and the food has mostly been fast food. I've worked too much and my little child takes a lot of energy and time from me. It's time to change now. I have to find the time and effort to get in better shape.

Well I need some help customizing my earlier HST work out (the one I used when I was in great shape) so I can start training now and later on get back to it as it was gradually. This is how it looked before:

A: B:
Weighted Chins Cable Seated Row Close grip
Benchpress Weighted Dips
Squats Straight-back Straight-leg Deadlift

Always do:
Standing Barbell Military Press
Abs Machine
Standing Calf Raise

I probably can do most of the exercises, but I'm certainly not in shape to do chins or dips right now..at least not in the 15's. Any help would be much appreciated.
You could try this:

A: Squat, bench, bb row
B: Deadlift, press, db row (eg. kroc rows)

Add core work etc. as required.

With so few exercises, aim to get 20(+) total reps per exercise throughout the cycle.

So for 15s I'd do 2 sets, for 10s I'd do 2-3 sets, and for 5s I'd do 3-5 sets. Depending on the load you are using for deads, reduce the volume to a level that allows for decent recovery between sessions.