Time you spend in the gym per rep scheme


New Member
Because of the sheer number of sets of the 'typical' HST program, logically you would spend quite a bit more time in the gym doing your 5 rep stage (3 sets) than the 15 rep stage (1 set). That said, what kind of time are you putting in relative to the first stage of HST? Or are you guys reducing the total number of exercises (focusing on compounds)?

Would like to hear your input. I'm in my next to last workout of 5's - think this is the best 'program' I've tried but to be honest I'm only doing 1 set of 5's (after a warmup set that is dual purpose as warmup and as a 10 rep work set) on a couple of exercises. Strength and size is definitely both increasing and have gained 4 pounds since the start with same vascularity (use my forearms to gauge my bodyfat). I'm getting out of the gym in less than an hour in every rep scheme stage.
I tend to allow an hour for my gym 'experience'. During 15s I get the job done quite quickly (30mins or so) but I tend to use the whole hour during 5s. 10s are somewhere in-between. I'm mainly doing 6 or 7 exercises each w/o but sometimes I do 8 during 15s.
i spend far too much time in the gym,because i add in exercises all the time,i also train with a partner which does slow things down a tad.

ive restructured my workout starting next week and im gunning for an hour tops.
I spend about 2hrs. I know its too long
, but I usually need more rest between sets when benching (up to 5 minutes at the end of the 5's or a 3x5) and it's my chance to get out of the house for a change in sceneiry. I'm in no rush to leave, I'll only go back to the house & read this forum
. During the 15 & early 10's I can do it in about an hour if I want to.

i misread the title,i think you asked for time per excercise?

if so i tend to spend slightly longer on my chest.
Hour and a half or less, regardless of which mesocycle I'm on. I just don't get in any rush, and try to have good strength for the lifts, so I rest 1 to 2 minutes between sets.
So I should have been more specific with my question, I think, sorry.

If you are doing your 1 set of 15's how long are you in the gym? Then you progress to 10's and add a set per exercise, logically you increase your workout length by almost double, and when you get to 5's, *assuming* you are doing three sets your total workout time has almost tripled.

Even if you're doing *only* 8 exercises, with rest time of 2-3 minutes between sets (which I think is pretty normal) you would be 8 x 2 sets (plus your first set) x 3 minutes rest = 48 minute, not including the time to do your sets..........

So are you guys dropping exercises when you progress to 10's and 5's? Or just spending more time at it?