To bulk or to cut?


New Member
Hello there,
I`m quite new to HST but since I discovered (it was actually 2 weeks ago, haha) I`ve gotten some decent results. I`d been struggling to pass 78 kgs of bodyweight, but it remained the same for some time, I tried to change routines, but got no results. And now I`m 81 kgs just 2 weeks after I discovered HST. I didn`t change my diet, just switched to the HST training methods.

I have about 13% of bodyfat, I`m 185 cm tall, and my weight is 81 kg. I decided to use HST, I saw results and I wanted to go full cycle, but there`s a thing. I have a little excess bellyfat and since it`s summer It`s kinda disappointing when I should pull my stomach in to conceal it, lol.

So what do you think, guys? Should I abandon the HST bulking program and switch to a cutting one for a couple weeks, or just to add some extra aerobic (or even HIIT or Tabata) days to my training?

My current program looks like this:
On Mon, Wed and Fri I do full body workout from there ( ). It works pretty well and it`s about 60 minutes long.

On Tue and Thu I do crunches and hanging leg raises for my abs.

I can add threadmill or an elleptic exercises to my main routine and do tabata with abs at home on Tue and Thu, or I can just do my regular routine on mon, wed and fridays and fatloss exercises on tue and thursdays.

What do you think? I really need you input on this topic.

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Well, im 167cm and just cracked 75kg. It has taken me for ages, so i think we have a similar size, and this works for me. If you want gains, dont worry bout the cut, if you want the abs, cut it up, but make sure you have the muscle behind it.

I used to cut for 3 weeks after a 12 week bulk cycle, and was doing 5 day splits. Id get to 66kg at the end of a cut, and by the end of the bulk, id get to around 72kg, and could never make any gains above. So since HST ive decided to just bulk, bulk, bulk all thru the winter, and cut just before the summer, and so far my BF hasnt gone that far over board, and can still see a 6 pack (barely) when flexed.

So its up to you what you want. I highly recommend carb cycling for a cut, do a search for scoobys carb cycling on google. Its dead set amazing, i dont worry bout what he recomends to eat, i just make up my own diet and keep the numbers the same.

But no one can make the call for you, you cant cut and bulk at the same time. Id say keep up the bulk, abs are for models, comps, and those on 'roids who can cut and bulk similtanously.

And if you worried about protruding stomach, dont worry, thats actually natural, look up "The lost art of ab training, vacuum pose" I read an awesome article on how to train your core muscle to hold in your stomach, i did it for a while and lost cm's in weeks, while bulking. It wasnt my BF going down, just my insides holding in my **** better
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