To SD or not to SD?


New Member
Should I even bother with SD after testing my maxes?

Here's the deal with why I am asking this (I already read the SD article and FAQ); Before I tested my maxes, I didn't lift for three weeks. The program I was on before that was Power Factor training, and at the latter part of the program, I was lifting once a week.

If I should decondition, how long should it be.. 7-10 days instead of a longer one?

Feedback must appreciated guys!

I would. SD isn't about rest or recouperation it's about resetting your muscles level of conditioning. Making it more responsive to load.

So up to you, maybe don't do one this time and do one the next cycle and see if there is a difference. This should show how SD impacts muscle growth.
Thanks Dan, the last time I lifted (5 rep max testing) was Thursday, so if I start next Monday, that will give 10 days of SD... I can't wait to get my first HST cycle started.. I will inform yins with my progress.


I'll go with Dan's advice, when one starts HST it is best to SD after checking the maxes so that you can really evaluate the benefits of this training system

You might just not get what you really want and that might have been because you did not SD, then you get the wrong impression and leave without really checking it out
, eventually might end up telling someone it's a load of c..., I tried it and it did nothing for me

See the reasoning?

Not really saying you will do this but I have met some characters that are really hard set on their beliefs and HST sounds weird as it is quite different from the norm

But if you read on and have a analystic kind of mind, it makes good sense and you'll want to try it out, even if it is just for the h... of it :D

I understand what your saying Fausto, I was just checking about SD because of the extended "SD" before testing my maxes. I took a human physiology class last year, which helped me understand the science of HST, which Dan loves to preach about. That along with the fact that there is this message board having tens of hundreds of people who workout HST style and have great results shows me that this program works.

I am taking a 10 day SD, and I will start my 15 rep block this Monday. I have never been so excited about weightlifting!