To the people who does drop sets


New Member
Hello everyone, I been looking around in this forum and decided to join here to learn more since I couldn't find information that I needed.

If I do drop sets on week 7 to 8, I don't increase weight for my 5RM correct?(increase weight by 2.5 lb for example.) I also saw a post saying drop sets every other session is a good choice. My recovery rate is good because I can sleep over 10 hours a day and I'm still under 20 years old.

One last question is, if I'm doing drop sets and I have a chest excercise and triceps excercise, which is incline bench press and close grip bench press, wouldn't I be too tired to do close grip bench press? Or is drop sets reccommended on every single excersice like incline bench press, close grip bench press, squats, push press, and rows all at once?

I'm not really sure how to do drop sets for full body workout since I only used to work out using drop sets on 5 day split which I only work 1 or 2 muscle group a day.

Thanks in advance
Mate I'm a newbie to HST, but my understanding is that you should have maxed out on your reps in week 6 leaving you basicly unable to increase the weight for week 7, so the drop sets would be on week 6 weight.

As for the fatigue factor, if this is an issue, I would use the drop sets on the major muscle groups ie chest not triceps.

Drops sets are carried out by most of us for lagging body parts.

I would not worry about doing them for every exercise, but just those you really struggle to finish off.

Week 7 and 8 are mean to take you beyond the 5RM, somewhere into the 3 to 2 RM territory, if you don't have a partner it can be difficult, yet it can be done with many exercises on your own.

In fact one of the ways to get the reps done is not drop sets but rather cluster sets, which means you do only as many reps as you can, re-wrack the weight, take a short rest and do the rest of the reps after it!

Hope this helps somewhat.
Personally, I would rather cluster or use max-stim to achieve a higher number of reps with a much heavier weight, instead of cutting the weight way back in order to do drop sets.