too much tricep work???


Active Member
this is from another post of mine, but i thought i'd repost it here to see what people think.
_tim, you recommend hotterdog doing partials (or not as much tri work). ATM in my cycle i'm doing inline bench, mil press and close grip bench press. should i eliminate one of them, or do partials as you suggest??? cos yeah true, the tris ARE gettin worked a bit i guess, i'm in the 5s atm (exceeept for close grip bench, cos i decided to change from tri pushdowns to cg bench, i just really want my arms to grow so i switched to compounds, and am doin 10s for the close-grips).
cos well i dunno if my tris are getting TOO worked, i mean i don't even know how to determine that haha! but then agaaaain, 9sets per session inVOLVING the tris, it seems like alot but yeah haha.
i might eliminate the mil press, but i really do want my shoulders to grow too ay. any suggestions?
nah but i'm asking whether i have TOO MUCH work for the triceps. i know that cg bench is great for tris, but i also have incline bench, military press, for 3setsx5reps, so i'm wondering is this way too much work that the triceps are undertaking (as they play a fairly big part in all these exercises) ?

no that would be fine ,but if you are getting fatigue in the tris just drop the close grip,dont drop the millitary because you need to work your shoulders.
Military Press works out your arms slightly, but the concentration is within your shoulders. I agree with Faz that if the fatigue sets in a bit too much, you may need to drop the CG Bench.
I'll sorta throw out my opinion that I gave from the thread that _Simon_ mentioned.

I have always felt the second half of a military press in my triceps more than my deltoids. IMO the delts become a stabilizing muscle rather than a point of focus, and the triceps bear the brunt of the load from about 60% of the lift and up.

If you're doing 3 sets (or more) of 5's, and you're approaching your 5RM, you probably would want to drop the close grip bench as both colby and faz have said (if you feel that your triceps are getting over trained) - and consider doing partials to really focus the load on your deltoids. I think the deltoid group is typically stronger than your triceps, so in theory (and from what I remember of my last workout) you can apply much more of a load doing partials to beat the snot out of your delts, and then use compounds (and maybe an iso if you arm development isn't to your liking) to hit your triceps.
hi guys, thanks heaps for ya time!

nah i don't feel i'm getting too fatigued in the tris, but yeah, i only changed tri pushdown to cg bench press cos it was a compound exercise and i reckon they have a better effect on arms from what i've heard. and all my liftin life, i've been doing iso's for arms and they haven't grown AT ALL since i started, well maybe a slight bit but yeah, not good enough! hehehe

but yeah, hmmm, i dunno about doin partials hey, but yeah i'm preeetty good at isolating certain muscles to be 'worked' more haha, like my contracting and tensing certain muscles more than others, but yeah, i dunno if that actually does anything ;) maybe i could do partials from next week, cos i'm at my 5RM + week, and i'm just tryin to up my 5RM for all exercises so yeah, u reckon i should do partials everyone??? like, just to get my shoulder strength up??? (cos they're daaamn weak (in a relative way))

ATM i'll keep doing incl bench, mil press and cg bench, but i've changed the order to doin them incline bench, cg bench and THEN mil press (there are exercises in beTWEEN them dw lol), cos i just really want my arms to respond (out of all the bodypart they are the only ones that have NOT responded like ever dude...
haha... have a cry simon i know lol

thanks again everyone!!!