Toolman's Bodybuilding Thread


New Member
Hello all,

Rick here, aka Toolman. This post, my first on this forum, serves as my personal introduction to the forum as a new member, and outlines my goals and current HST program.

I'm a 53 year old bodybuilder living in Palm Springs California. I have been training on and off for most of my life but have never been satisfied with my progress. I have been self-employed as a handyman, hence "Toolman", for the last two years since I was laid off from my job as a project manager for a software company. For me this was the best thing that could have happened, and IMO being self-employed is the only way you can survive the US economy any more.

Bodybuilding Background

I have been a bodybuilder wannabe for about 30 years, but never stuck with any training program long enough to make the kind of consistent muscle gains necessary to be competitive. I would typically work out for about three months, usually using a 3 or 5 day split, and training to failure or near failure on almost every exercise. As you might expect, overtraining and I were well acquainted and no matter what I did I would keep training until the old symptoms of overtraining reared their ugly heads: constant fatigue, insomnia, loss of motivation. Only once did I train consistently and long enough to get into decent enough shape to enter a contest, and more than anything it was the contest itself that gave me the motivation. I learned a lot about goal-setting from that experience.

A few years ago when I discovered HST most of my problems with overtraining went away. This is the only program I've been able to stick with without entering an overtrained state. I stay motivated throughout each training cycle with none of the symptoms. In addition, usually starting around the end of the third week, the first of the ten's, I would be so pumped all the time that I find myself doing posing practice almost daily. Now the only reason I haven't achieved my bodybuilding goals is because I had an injury about a year ago, and have only been back to a full training schedule since May of this year.

Right now I'm nearing the end of my fourth HST cycle and while my weight and measurements haven't changed significantly, I can see major improvements in the mirror, and in the way my muscles feel - hard and tight. I am also smashing personal records in my lifts, though they may not be as impressive for most bodybuilders, they are for me. Today, for example, I benched 170 for two sets of 3-5 reps (this is week 7 of the cycle), and curled 100 pounds. Not too shabby, I must say. This is the first cycle where I've added an extra week of low rep sets, 3 or less per set, and I have a feeling that this is going to stimulate some explosive growth! Can't wait to see how I look next week!

Here is my exercise selection for the current cycle:

Cycle Four - 7 Weeks - 3 Workouts per week

Leg Press
Leg Curl
Calf Press
Machine Pullover
Bench Press
Barbell Press
Bent over laterals
Tricep Pressdowns
Barbell Curls

Now I'm seriously thinking about entering some competitions next year, and there are four that I'm considering: One each next June, August, October and November, or 32, 40, 51, and 56 weeks out respectively. Currently, I weigh 185 at about 15% BF. By my calculations, if I can pack on about 10 pounds of muscle in the next 16 weeks, then cut down to 5% bodyfat over the 16 weeks after that, I'll come in at the top of the Middleweight class in the June show. Post competition, I thought I'd take advantage of the rebound effect, skip the second show, the one in August, and put on even more muscle and come in as a Light-Heavy for the show in October, then keep up the diet for the final show in December.

Here is what I'm considering as my next cycle:

Cycle Five - 7-8 Weeks - 4 Workouts per week
Workout One (Tuesday/Saturday)
Leg Extensions
Calf Raise
Wide Grip Low Rows
Barbell or Dumbbell Curl

Workout Two (Wednesday/Sunday)
Bench Press
Cable Crossovers
Barbell or Dumbbell Press
Front Raise
Tricep Extensions

This is the first time I've done a split routine on HST, so I don't know how my body will respond. I'm doing it early enough in the pre-contest prep phase so I can make adjustments. Needless to say, any advice, suggestions, words of wisdom, or constructive criticism are greatly appreciated.

Where I think I'll need more help is later as I transition into the pre-contest dieting phase. I'd be interested to hear from other HST'ers who have competed, and how you integrated HST training into your prep. I'm thinking of using only the first four weeks of HST, the Fifteens and the Tens, and skipping the Fives and SD. I'll try to time it so my contest falls at the end of the fourth week of an HST cycle. This seems to be when I'm at my most muscular. These ideas may certainly change over the next couple training cycles as I get more understanding how my body responds to the routine.

Hope to hear from others with similar interests and share knowledge and experience. Feel free to post here or send me a private message anytime.

Here are my pics, current as of 10/31/2010:


And for comparison here are some links to this years pictures of contests I'm planning to enter. At this point, I can enter any or all of the Open and Novice Middleweights, Over 40, and Over 50 classes in each show. (Surely I gotta get some hardware out of it!):

Border States
Pacific USA
I don't have any 'advice, suggestions, words of wisdom, or constructive criticism', but wish you the best - sounds like you have an awesome year coming up! How about you keep a training log on here so we can follow you on your journey...
Thanks Wistledixie. I do plan to put up a log. I'm on day 5 of SD right now, so not much logging going on. I'm starting to feel the loss of muscle from not training, though I'm sure it's mostly in my own mind, but it's tough not going to the gym.

I am keeping focused by doing a lot of planning for my next cycle and have concerns regarding switching from three full body workouts per week to a four-day split. For example, on exercises that I did on my last cycle, I will be starting with weights significantly higher than I started with last time. This is because I calculate the weight of my first workout session by working backwards from my goal of a 5-10% increase of my max, and subtracting ~5% each preceding workout. Since I'm doing fewer workouts in this next cycle, my starting weights are 15-20% higher than the starting weights last time. It's as though I'm skipping the first two workouts from the old routine.

Weeks 1&2 (Fifteens) Bench Press
Last cycle:
90lbs, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115
Next cycle:
110, 115, 120, 125

My options here are
1. Do this.
2. Use bigger increments and start with lighter weights. (I tend to prefer a 5% increment however.)
3. Use the same increments and add a week to each macro-cycle.
4. Stick with three full-body workouts per week.

Has anybody else made the move from full-body to split routines? Any suggestions regarding this?
I will try to get back to this thread when I have time. Meanwhile, my recommendation while cutting would be NOT to drop the heavy stuff from your schedule. It makes sense to keep signalling high for both pathways so you'll want to do some metabolic work too to keep glycogen stores elevated. Of course, if you are low-carbing for much of the time then this will be a tougher challenge. If you have never enjoyed Lyle M's UD2.0 protocol, now might be a good time to check it out.

All the best.
I second Lol's post. Check out UD2.0 and before it gets too close to comp time, you may want to look into his stubborn fat protocol as well. A lot of people have had success with UD2.0 and there is one quite notable natural bodybuilder who goes by the name Sporto on Lyle's forums who got to excellent condition using the stubborn fat protocol.
Thanks guys. I've got about four months at the earliest before I start the cutting phase so I'll keep doing what I'm doing but paying more attention to getting good quality calories and protein and putting on as much muscle as I can. I'll check out that diet when I get closer, then maybe I'll figure out what "signalling high for both pathways" means! :)
hi toolman,
lookin good!, hope u start a lo so we can follow yr journey to competition.
i think yr plan for the split looks fine. the splt allows u to work more on each bodypart. i'm planning on moving to a split too-but a push/pull 3 day split.
, and yea lyle mcdonald has lotsa useful info on his site and forum, careful though, its easy to become overwhelm w the info over there which may be more hindering than helpful.