Topical lipolytic aids. . .

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Steve's positive results have me interested in topical lipolytic aids. Being the way I am, I have to find out a whole lot, first. . .

Steve tried Yohimburn, a yohimbine hydrochloride product. I've found two other topical yohimbine hcl products -- Dermalean, which contains several active ingredients (aminophylline, forskolin, DMAE as well as yohimbine hcl), and also Lipoderm-Y (which makes a big deal about the transdermal carrier used, though for all we know, it could be as simple as DMSO).

Anyone know of any others, or have any information on the products I mentioned? How about side-effects, and the other components in the products I mentioned?

And information on non-yohimbine-based products?

I'm not interested in systemic metabolism-boosting drugs. . . they probably have an aging effect on the body opposite of caloric restriction (see other topics). I'm trying to cut back on my caffeine as it is.
Hi E, Funny you brought this up.  Although I'm very happy with the Yohimburn, I have been reading more about Lipoderm-Y.   I like that Par seemingly has come up with a way to "more precisely" target the fat cells. Althoug you could be right about the DMSO.  I think he mentions that his delivery system keeps the active ingredients from getting into the blood stream.  I don't know if I totally buy into this yet, but I am interested in trying it out.

I originally went with the yohimburn because of the positive feedback and the fact that the only place they sell it in Massachusettes is a half mile from my house.  So I didn't have to order it.  

The two things that are making me lean towards trying the Lipoderm is that it has twice the Yohimbine in it (6000mg vs. 3100mg) and that I can order it for $30 less (dpsnutrition).  I also read that Par is developing a new version that will include a diuretic to bypass the water retention issue.

If the Lipoderm works at least as well as the Yohimburn I will be very pleased.

Dermalean -- waste of money.

Cutting Gel -- waste of money.

Ripping Gel -- waste of money. It is made by the same company that makes the cuttnig gel.

Yohimbine HCL -- Pretty good, but probably not as good as Lipoderm-Y.

Lipoderm-Y. Probably the best transdermal fat loss product I know of. I have done some looking at various bb websites for feedback on the product. I have not seen a negative comment on the fat loss aspect of the product yet. Yohimburn seemed to get good response from many folks, but also had some negative feedback.

Lipoderm-Y seems to irritate skin on some people though. Also, I don't think his delivery system is DMSO; I have seen a few debates on that issue, between Par Deus and other folks.

For Yohimburn or Lipoderm, one probably need to bring your bf% down to about 8 - 10 % before seeing the most pronounced effect. (Lots of folks report seeing results when bf% is much higher, of course).


Edziu, you can just take yohimbine hcl orally, without caffeine. If your bf% is above 12%, you might want to try this before the transdermals.
Thanks for the comments!

Steve, if the carrier is supposed to be selective it's probably not DMSO. DMSO would take it deep and would definitely take it into the bloodstream effectively. I was just joking when I suggested it, after reading about how their particular carrier is so special. I used to work at an "As Seen on TV" products place, and I know how little the marketing really matches the truth.

Blade, I'm surprised Dermalean scores a zero in your book, since it also has Yohimbine HCL as a basic in ingredient. . . But I'll trust you on it. The last two seem like the best bets.

I'm not actually research it for myself (no yet, anyway); I'm still at around 20%. My wife's BF is lower than mine, and she's struggling with one pocket of low-belly fat.

I look forward to being lean enough to use it to good effect myself. . . but I know that will still be a while.
Steve, did you experience any side effects with the transdermal Y? I tried it orally once, at a relatively low dosage (just over .2 mg/kg), and I thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest. I also felt chilled and nauseated--not worth it.
Nathan,  I have used MD6 (E/C/Y amongst other things) in the past and I had some mild to moderate side effects.  I got the palpitaions and chills along with increased anxiety.  I get none of that with the topical stuff even while using E/C with it (following Bryan's recomendations for dosing).  That's one of the great things about the topicals, all the benefits without the unpleasantness.
