total tonnage


New Member
Im getting the impression that a lot of your guys stick with the same number of movements on your 5s as compared to your 15s. starting out with 8-10 movements and going for 5s on them for 3 sets each movement? That would even make Bill Starr cringe.
Yeah, but I only do four or five exercises. 15s are really quick! I often do more reps during 15s though, especially the first week back after SD. And I sometimes add a few isos too just for a bit of fun.

25 total reps seems like a good total for me to aim for during 15s and 10s. I do drop down to 15 at the end of 5s and add in a set of 10 reps with my 15RM or heavier. This way I ensure total tonnage lifted is always on the up or at least not dropping off at the end of 5s.