Total Volume per week... This is important?


New Member
Hi fellow HST practitioner, i have a question regarding the total volume done in a week.Lets assume, I do 3 sessions per week (M/W/F) and its a full body regime. How much total volume is enough? Some tell me my weekly volume should be around 800 total reps O_O, some say 300-500 total reps and if i follow HST, my weekly volume is about 100++ and i seen significant gains using the 100++ total reps for the first 2 months and moving into my third and fourth month now, its not that effective, but gains are still present. So does this mean i have to bump up the total volume per week? I follow HST principle such as progressive overload and SD. Anyone familiar with the book periodization, 5th edition by tudor bompa? Hope to hear from you guys soon :) Thanks in advance to those who read this post ;)
What in the world? Are you sure you didn't accidently add a extra zero on the end of those rep totals?
The general rule of thumb I’ve used it a volume of 40-60 reps per body part per workout so I f you workout 3 times a week that would be 120-180 rep per week per body part. Now there are going to be all sorts of exceptions to this especially when things get really heavy or as you get in better shape and need more intensity and or volume per workout to continue to grow. The best way I know of finding the correct volume/intensity ratio that works for you is to push yourself until you start feeling burned out or you start losing ground on your lifts at which point you’ve found your limit an can adjust accordingly.
Thanks for the replies, and HDLou i assure you the figure is right. And thanks grunt11 for the info, i can confirm your statement is true, as we get in better shape, we might need to add more volume because we could not tolerate the weight that is ever increasing in HST, thanks for the replies big time grunt11 and HDLou :)