Totentanz and LOL Hst's recent Resident Experts

Well deserved!
Thanks folks.

Aside from all the things I have learnt from Bryan and Dan, your many comments have helped me hugely with my lifting over the past two years, so being able to pass on this info to others is always a pleasure. It's a great forum.



Edited to add: forgot to add my personal congrats to Totentanz. Well deserved mate. Always enjoy your comments; as well as containing useful info they've also given me many a laugh.
Congrats to you guys, absolutelly on the money that these two guys are HST experts, but as it stands the BOSS determines this.

So without further adue, you guys deserve it, I have often relied on both your expert opinions even though I am classified as one meself (never grew my head an inch) there really is a lot of excellent knowledge in this site.

Thanks guys.

I'm glad to see that Lol is an expert now too. He is infinitely more patient than I am, so he really deserves it.
(Totentanz @ Oct. 29 2007,07:04)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Thanks guys.

I'm glad to see that Lol is an expert now too. He is infinitely more patient than I am, so he really deserves it.</div>
Haha, that is so true.
I guess I hadn't noticed the change in the avatar display. Heck, I've always considered Tot and Lol to be experts...!

Well deserved congratulations anyhow -- it is good to be recognized both by peers and noobs.
OH! CONGRATS GUYS!!! FANTASTIC! i've been on a holiday recently, and just found this thread haha, that's awesome ay! WELL deserved!