Towards the end of my first HST cycle....

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Hello Ladies,

I am now in the last throws of my first HST cycle, third week of 5´s.
This morning I weighed in at 95.5 kilograms. I started around 90 kilo at 6 feet 2 inches. I ain´t getting taller. My clothes are getting tight in the legs, arms, back and shoulders, but continue to get looser around the waist where I have most of my remaining fat!!!!!!!I went down a notch on my Belts!

When I started I couldn´t do 5 pullups without assistance.
Now, I am doing 4 x 5 x Bodyweight + 5 kilos.
My Bench 1RM went from 100 kilos to 115.
1RM Standing Overhead press went from 50 to 75 ( this has astounded me!!!!!!!)
1RM Squat went from 105 kilo to 110 ( this befuddled me?

This all in spite of the fact that I did n´t determine my RM before hand but winged it as I went along as I was very familiar with my strength limits.
I also only increased the weights once a week for the 15´s and 10´s

I did too many sets, too many reps and too many exercises for the 15s and 10s.
I did double workouts ( AM/PM).
I NEVER went to failure and this is a important.
I ate about 300 grams protein a day and in some of my other posts discussed the caloric intake problem.

My overall strength is the biggest result, more than size, except my legs which exploded in spite of the fact that my Squat max did not go up that much. Maybe the biggest reason is the growth of my Gluts as I switched to Full squats and with the dead lifts trained, probably for the first time in my life, hard core "Core" muscles.

For the 5´s I have been doing 4 sets of 5 reps for all movements and only 8 exercises every workout in this order with todays weights in Kilograms (lbs x 2.204)
Squats: 4 x 5 x 95 kg
Bench:  4 x 5 x 102,5 kg
Bentover Rows hip angle 90 degree:  4 x 5 x 77,5kg
Chin: 4 x 5 x (Bodyweight + 5kg)
Dips: 4 x 5 x (Bodyweight + 15kg)
Standing Overhead Press : 4 x 5 x 65kg
Deadlifts: 4 x 5 x 95 kg
Power cleans plus overhead press (PCPs): 10 x 3 x 55 kg

I have forgone the negatives and just kept goining with the 5´s.
I have 14 day SD plus a 80 kilometer Marathon in the italian alps.

F0r HST cycle 2 I will do the following exercises for all the 15, 10, ynd 5´s.

Flat Bench
Bentover Rows
Standing Overhead Press
Weighted Dips
Weighted Chins

DB Bench Presses
Standing Overhead Press
Weighted Dips
Weighted Chins
Bent Rows

Incline Bench Presses
Standing Overhead Press
Weighted Dips
Weighted Chins
Bent Rows

Pics will be taken before HST cycle 2 and posted after the second cycle has ended.

Rock on HST!!!!!!!!!!!
well done mate ..maybe the reason your squats have not gone up much is because of the cycling and extra stuff you do..but as long as it goes up thats what counts
Good point. Well it is something I can live with as I started HST mostly for my Upperbody and back. As I have mentioned b4 my legs seem to grow when the wind blows.
Dr. Pierre, nice to see you back.... I wonder about the result in the alps.

One thing, you really exploded..... very good indeed.... it calls my attention that you follow a high volume protocol.... and you got that good result..... if that is true and if one of the reason of those gains is the increase in sets as you went alone then I can only say  
.... because I am experimenting with it now...... it is very similar to what you are doing, even the calorie surplus..... you were missing these days, so perhaps you did not see this file I made reference several times and talks about this increase in volume by using HST... perhaps you will be interested in taking a look.....I know you have the background to understand it.... as for me, I am seeing good "changes" but I am not taking measurements yet, I'll wait patiently until the very last workout of the cycle.
May 1 is the marathon in Gardasee.
Yes, I have read that article and it brought back some nightmares from Physics 101.

In my opinion, it boils down to high volume. Look at lumberjacks, railworkers, construction workers. These guys/gals are usually big burly muddaf+#kers.
They work 5 days a week lifting big heavy objects.
Get it?
I just decided to go to the gym and do some power cleans plus overhead presses, PCPs, as I like to call them. Maybe an hours worth, about 30 x 3 x 55 kilos.
Come to think it on Tuesday and Thursday for my next cycle maybe I will do just that: 30 x 3 x 55 kilos for the whole cycle. Kinda like Tabata Powercleans of tPCPs if throw in the frequency aspect.
May 1 is the marathon in Gardasee.
Yes, I have read that article and it brought back some nightmares from Physics 101.
In my opinion, it boils down to high volume without failure.Look at lumberjacks, railworkers, construction workers. These guys/gals are usually big burly muddaf+#kers. They work 5 days a week lifting big heavy objects.

Get it?

I just decided to go to the gym and do some power cleans plus overhead presses, PCPs, as I like to call them. Maybe an hours worth, about 30 x 3 x 55 kilos.
Come to think of it on Tuesday and Thursday for my next cycle maybe I will do just that: 30 sets x 3 reps x 55 kilos for the whole cycle.  Kinda like Tabata Powercleans of tPCPs if throw in the frequency aspect.
Dr Debbs

Excellent progress doc!

I can agree that your squats load increases slowly due to the cycling work, but the growth is there, so the "wind" factor I'd rename cycle factor rather

BTW - you catapulted me into something I am going to give talks on at my church, when I read that article "Effects of exercise and diet in Chronic disease" good stuff - have you any more in this line?

Stuff like - Type of exercise recommended for previously sedentary adults? I know that cardio/wieght training are the top choice but I need some more specifics, anything will help.

Hi Fausto,

I don´t have anything else on hand. I think the references in that article are a good source for more info.

What I can recommend for getting people active is first walking, then biking.

I guess the best way is to throw oneslf into weight training for muscle mass.

One thing is clear, whatever one decides to do it MUST BE DONE CONSISTANTLY!


<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I don´t have anything else on hand. I think the references in that article are a good source for more info.

I have noticed the cross references in there, will dig into those soon, BTW Dan's halped me quite a bit too! Great people you lot!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">What I can recommend for getting people active is first walking, then biking.</div>

Quite right, I just needed a second opinion there, agreed!
There is one guy I know quite into biking, besides being a cattle farmer, but he does not need my help, is wife though is part of the health reform group that is going to give the talks, suer this is going to be fun, can you imagine the old boys and girls moving again!