Training 6 days in succession

I did that early on and had great success with it. However, I was new (15 years off) to lifting so I didn’t need much intensity or volume to make gains. I did start running into problems even during the first cycle once I got to the 5s. I just wasn’t recovering fast enough each day to improve so once I got to that point is switched over to an upper lower split, still doing 6 days total. I did that a few cycles and on the last one I not only switched to an upper/lower split part way through, later in the cycle I had to switch to a push/pull/legs split once things got heavy.

A word of caution, my muscles grew like crazy however my tendons couldn’t keep up so I ended up getting tendonitis in my forearms. Now I am 51 so someone younger might not have that problem but just keep in mind that it takes longer for your connective tissues to recover after each training bout than for your muscles.