Training Everyday (Cycle 5 critique request)


New Member
I'm starting my 5th consecutive cycle next week.
Below is what I plan to do:


My previous cycles would be only M/W/F/Sun/Tues/etc... training every 2 days regardless of weekends... but now I'm thinking about training 5 days a week.

I'm thinking about doing this whole program Max-Stim style if necessary.

Would it be good to train everyday like this?

How would I arrange my iso's?
I did a similar routine last cycle, only substituting leg curls for deads during B. I also worked in some arm iso's during A, since the chins and dips were enough arm work during B. My results were inconclusive compared to the MWF routine. I had some nice chest development but not sure if the split helped this or not. I was really hoping to add arm size, but didn't notice any difference. I did like the shorter sessions, which kept the motivation higher, but finding time 6 nights a week was a challenge with my job. I think your split looks good, and as long as you keep the volume in check, shouldn't be a problem at 5x's per week.  I'd be interested to know how you like the routine, and whether you see any better results. Best of luck.