training time


Hi I do a 3 day split workout (monday, wednesday and friday). I have just finished my last day of 15rm on the 2 week cycle. I spend about 2-3 hours at the gym. The poeple and the owner tell me that I am spending too much time at the gym. am I ? if i am what should i do ?

Thanks Aamar.
Your workout, including warm-up and cool-down, should take no more than one hour and 20 min. (10 min. for warm-up, one hour for the actual workout and 10 min. for cool-down). My workouts are usually done, including warm-up and cool-down, in one hour or less. If you are taking longer than this you are either wasting time talking or you are doing way too many exercises/sets each workout.
I try to do 2 set for each excersies. Its a full body workout i mean I work nearly every mucsle on that day. I do 1-3 excersies that work the same muscle. should i cut sets
I think you should consider breaking up your workout. I'm not going to say that you necessarily are going about this the wrong way, aamar - but you should get into good, sustainable workout habits. 2-3 hours in the gym is near perfect if you're an athlete in the off season, or are a competitive bodybuilder and it's your job. If you're a regular person wanting to be big/cut/strong/whatever - try to get into a more manageable workout schedule. There are literally thousands of posts in the forum about how to structure splits; see what you can find - and ask questions if any of it is unclear.

Good luck!
I've read about splits but can I do this

on day A

day B


day X rest


Abs possibly on A or B day

Let's flip this to lifts instead of muscle groups... Try laying out what you'd do exercise-wise given the split you put above.
barbell curl x2
dumbbell curl x2
preacher curl x2

kickback X2
tricep dip x2

wrist curl x2
reverse curl x2

military press x2
upright row x2
rear delta raise x2
cleans x1

squat x2 (alternate)
Deadlift x2 (alternate)
calf raise x2
leg press x2

bent over row x2
You are doing too much. I do 30 reps for most lifts (40 for a couple) and I'm done in 1 1/2 hours, and that's with chatting it up with people and helping other people occasionally. 3 different exercises for each muscle group is way too much and you are going to end up stagnating instead of progressing in each lift. Remember, the idea behind HST is progression. You want your muscles to become stronger because a stronger muscle is a bigger muscle and a bigger muscle is stronger... It is going to be very difficult to progress your strength in each lift if you are doing 3 different lifts for each bodypart. And biceps are one of those muscle groups that barely even need to be hit since you are using them for so much other stuff (rows, chins, etc) so doing three different kinds of curls is overkill.
i want to be like you guys big strong and knowledgeable. Should I cut down to one excersies per muscle and then just alternate the excersies.

thanks Aamar
I think you are over training, aamar. Per Tot's earlier comment, you're hitting several smaller muscle groups with both compounds and isos - not a good combination if you hope to grow or get stronger. Take a read through the Simplify and Win thread - I think it may change your perspective a bit.
I read up on simplify and win. So what I am doing is limiting my self to one excersies per muscle group and do about 2-3 set is this ok. I did this today and it took me an hour ish.

Thanks Aamar