Trapped Nerve


New Member
Morning all,

Really need your help on this one.

We started playing on the Olympic rings recently in the gym, with press-ups, flys etc with feet on a bench.... amazing!

I tried chin ups on them. They weren’t that hard in comparison to other things on the rings, but gave me a strange pain around my collar bone. On my second set I got a bad pain between my neck and my left trap which I’m assuming is a trapped nerve. I finished the workout, but the pain was huge for the next couple of days. It was like a dull pain most of the time which really kicked in whenever I looked to the extreme left. It died down so I went back to the gym, but there wasn’t much strength down my left side (not sure whether it was just the pain kicking back in) so I thought this would be a good time for some SD.

I've had two weeks off and although the pain died down a lot, I could still tell it was there. I was hoping it would have healed easily in two weeks! It started hurting badly again last night during sleep.

What should i be doing? I haven't done any exercise for the last two weeks, but am desperate to get back into the gym. I've read about trapped nerves on the web and they talk about having huge amounts of pain down one side of the body and needing operations to rectify things. I’m assuming mine is not the same thing, but I seems to be taking a long time to heal!

Any help would be sooooooo appreciated! I'm desperate to train with the old gang when I go back home for Christmas!



Rather than guessing, best thing is to get to your GP (doc) and have him check your shoulder.

You probably pinched a nerve and caused a bit of inflammation. In future try to keep your shoulders actively contracted at the dead-hang position when chinning. It'll help to stabilise the joints.
Thanks lol,

the only thing with a GP is that they're closed on the weekend and take weeks to get an appointment/ physio round these parts!

i've just spoke to someone about it that stated it won't be a trapped nerve as i'd be getting pins and needles in my hands or a cold sensation near my shoulder and to try putting cold/ hot packs on it.

might try a sports massage?
(ian @ Dec. 13 2008,6:46)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">i've just spoke to someone about it that stated it won't be a trapped nerve as i'd be getting pins and needles in my hands or a cold sensation near my shoulder and to try putting cold/ hot packs on it.

might try a sports massage?</div>
No. That doesn't sound like a nerve.

Rather, in the area you describe is the superior angle of the scapula (or some such...). There are a whole bunch of muscles that come together there. I get the same sharp pain from time to time when I deadlift with submaximum weights.

A good deep tissue massage (more likely a series of such massages) will help smooth away the knots that tend to accumulate there.