Tribulus Terrestris


New Member
I am in my 15 with two weeks left and I have wondering what supps you guys are taking if any during this period. I am eating like crazy and taking whey. I was thinking about Tribulus Terrestris What do you think?

(alpine @ Oct. 11 2007,18:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I am in my 15 with two weeks left  and I have wondering what supps you guys are taking if any during this period. I am eating like crazy and taking whey. I was thinking about Tribulus Terrestris  What do you think?

Don't know about trib.

Supps i'm using (During everything, not just 15s)

Fatty acids
I took trib for a long time as it was an ingrediant in my ZMA formula (testo-jack) , pure laziness on my part , a local grocery delivers but only carried that brand of ZMA . Recently got my GNC card and switched to a pure ZMA - absolutely no difference noticed . This leads me to believe trib is a waste of money.

What I can vouch for though is Novedex XT (gaspari nutrition) , costs about a dollar a day (U.S.). Takes a week to kick in , and doesn't have any kind of &quot;punch&quot; like gear or even 1test , but the signs of elevated T-levels/lowered estrogen are present begining at week 2. Personally I noticed more impatience than usual , slightly more irritable , subtle but noticeable sexual side effects. It wont change your life or turn you into Dorian Yates but it does what they claim it does and I find that rare in supplements.
Kiddo, NOTHING is gonna make your body produce any more test than it does right now and for about the next six years. At your age, you are a hormone factory; don't waste your money trying to do what your bod cannot, especially with products that don't work, namely Trib.
Eat, lift, sleep. You will grow. The best thing you can do for yourself right now is read the HST articles and learn.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I am in my 15 with two weeks left </div>

I took this to mean where in his cycle he was as opposed to age ...but maybe Quad knows something I don't about his age.
My bad. His first language probably isn't english, so I thought we had another teenager looking for the Big pill.
I still stand by my dislike of Trib though. From all I've searched, experienced, and wasted money on, I'll say that exogenous hormone intake is the best route. DHEA and the like offer nothing you're going to notice and there is a plethora of GH secretagogues, enhancers and magic potions of ill repute out there. I think ZMA may help some, but even with my low hormone count and age I haven't noticed anything.
Russ may be onto the only thing that will give any noticable results. Aside of creatine, that is. And we are recently finding out that it may be contaminated with chemicals.
I didnt notice anything taking it. I think there are studies showing it doesnt really do anything for normal healthy people.

ZMA did give me nocturnal emissions for a while... not sure if that really means anything, but I like ZMA simply for the quality of sleep it gives me. If you are not sleeping well and/or long enough it could help.