Triceps Progression


New Member
It's strange, but my maxes for bench seem much less than my maxes for dips. It's the same with my biceps, I can lift much more with narrow chins than wide pulldowns.

How do I do my progression? Should I switch from bench to dips (with a big "jump" in weight) or should I do them BOTH?

(Same with biceps: pulldowns to chins, or do both?)


Do both mate.

Nothing strange about lifting more for dips than bench, it is the way the body works, dips carries bodyweight plus the added load, always quite a bit more than bench, just makes me wonder what the % difference would be.

Definetelly not puldowns and chins, rather chins and some other exercise for arms, if you are talking for back, mix with Bent over Pendlays or another row.
I'm the same way. Tri's are my strong suit and chest is weaker: I do d/b presses rather than bench, alternated with and sometimes accompanied by wide chest dips and weighted tri dips for a finisher.
I'll do narrow weighted pullups and rows early in the routine, and some type of curls for a finisher. If I'm feeling good, I'll add in chinups at the end.
It's normal to be stronger with narrow pullups than wide; and your ROM is longer too, giving better growth. Imagine hanging there with a wide grip and sliding your hands closer. See what's happening to the lats? They have to stretch further.

I do one set of each of the following in giant set fashion:

Incline DB Bench Press
Flat Flyes
French Press

Wide Grip Pull Ups
Narrow Grip Chin Ups
Seated Rows
BB Curl

I did 15 reps of each with no rest between sets Monday and I am too sore to workout today! And I did not SD after my last 4 week conventional mini cycle. My chest, lats, tris and bis are weeping from pain and joy.