

New Member
Hey everyone! I have an alternating routine A/B of HST and work with 2 exercises for triceps, decline skull crushers and v bar pushdowns. Problem is, I dont feel like they are being stimulated nearly as much as they should. I have been getting much more growth with Biceps. I am on my second week of the 10's tomorrow. What should I do? Keep the same exercises then switch it up next cycle? What would be better tricep exercises? Maybe Close grip bench or overhead dumbbell extensions?
For me Bench Dips (if your shoulders can handle them) otherwise Triceps Dips are the best Triceps exercises. However, many people swear by Close Grip Bench Press so that is also an option.
ah okay that sounds alright. how do you progress with the weight for your 5 RM? Do you put a dumbbell btwn your legs or do you use plates. Because I remember being able to have a 5 RM with more than 1 45 lb plate.
I try not to go below 8 reps for arm exercises to spare the strain on my tendons. But yes if you want to progress beyond your body weight on Triceps Dips you can hold a DB between your legs or I find it easier to tie the weight on my weight belt and let it hand down. For Bench Dips I use an EZ-Curl bar loaded with the weight I want and lay it between the top of my hips and bottom of my abdomen.