Trying HST After a Long Break, Questions Please


New Member
After researching quite a bit before posting any questions, I do still have some questions. The last time I did HST I did it every other day, 6 workouts of 15's, 6 workouts of 10's and then 6 workouts of 5's. And that was it. But anymore I'm reading and it seems like people are doing 12 workouts of 5's?

And I always did 2 sets per exercise, in every lift---for the 15's, 10's, and 5's. But now it looks like 2 sets per exercise for the 15's? 3 sets per exercise for the 10's? And 4 sets per exercise for the 5's?

I really want to make the best possible gains on my next HST venture, and I respond very well to pretty much any training stimulus. How many sets should I be doing? Is the progression still the same? Let me use bench press as an example:

Bench Press
1. 155 x 15 (2)
2. 165 x 15 (2)
3. 175 x 15 (2)
4. 185 x 15 (2)
5. 195 x 15 (2)
6. 205 x 15 (2) 15RM
7. 185 x 10 (2)
8. 195 x 10 (2)
9. 205 x 10 (2)
10. 215 x 10 (2)
11. 225 x 10 (2)
12. 235 x 10 (2) 10RM

Is there are more effective way to do this? Thanks!
Two sets per exercise are good. Or if you want to use the same number of reps the whole program that's good too.

For example 2x15, 3x10, 5x5 (or 6x5 if you can hack it without overtraining). 1x15, 2x10 (or 1x10/1x5), and 3x5 is a milder version of getting the reps.

Yeah, lots of us are just extending the 5's for two extra weeks instead of doing the negatives. I do believe the negs are good for increasing strength and that helps the HST be even more effective because being stronger allows you to move more weight, combine strength with HST and become a beast.

But, many people feel they actually do the best growing during the 5's so if that's the case, they want to do them for as long as possible. Personally, I like the 5's so much I'm now doing 5x5 for more strength to use on my next HST cycle.

So to answer your question - yes, the progression is the same. Find your 15RM and make 6 workouts to work your way up to it. Find your 10RM and make 6 workouts to get to it. Find your 5RM and make 6 workouts to get to it then keep going with small linear progression for the next 2 weeks (6 workouts) to see how far you can safely take it. Or just add 10lbs or so to your 5RM, make a new 6 workout plan to get to it over the final 2 weeks.
Thanks for the quick reponse vagrant, really appreciate it man. I'm really looking forward to getting started on HST. I'm curious how many exercises do you think are needed for optimal results? I'm thinking about something like this, let me know what you think:

-Good Mornings
-T-Bar Rows
-Incline DB Presses
-CG Cable Pulldowns
-Flat DB Flyes
-DB Pullovers
-Upright Rows
-Incline DB Curls

Seems like a pretty solid ten exercises, shouldn't be too bad at all. And for the training I really can't decide which would be more effective, 1x15, 2x10, 3x5; or 2x15, 3x10, 5x5? I don't know because part of me knows for sure that my 5RM on most of those exercises isn't going to be what I can do for 5 sets of 5 reps, if that makes sense? Let's say for example my bench press 10RM is 265. Chances are pretty good that I wouldn't be able to hit 255 for 3 sets of 10, etc.

I'm thinking for now maybe I should just do the 1x15, 2x10, and 3x5.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> I'm curious how many exercises do you think are needed for optimal results? </div>

Less is often better as you can focus more on great compound movements such as Squats, Deadlifts, Chins, Dips, Military Press, Rows, and Bench Press.

Specialize with an isolation movement where you are lacking.

Calf Raises are great.

Do whatever for the abs.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page to the &quot;Sample HST workout&quot;  It's very good.

My lifts for my &quot;big cycle&quot; were:  Squat, SLDL, Good Morning, Leg Extension, Calf Raise, Bent Over Row (pendlay row until my back couldn't handle it anymore then BOR at 45 degrees), Pullup, Bench Press, Shrug, Barbell Curl, Skullcrusher, and Cable Rope Crunches.

No dips because I don't have a dip station.