Tweaking and Changing HST-Cycle Length - Expanding


New Member
Hey Guys,

I'm about to increase my training-days from 3 to 4 days a week. (Monday,Tuesday,Thursday,Friday)

Okay, I am also going to switch between to exercises in my next cycle... Monday&Thurdays I'll do Squats, Tuesday and Friday I'll do Deadlift.

Okay, my question is... Is it possible to expand the hst cycle from 6 to 9 weeks, so that I'll do three weeks of 15#, three weeks of #10 and three weeks of #5... what are the consequences of this expanding?
Will it harm the progress and growth?
What do you mean?

What do you say about the exercise switching... I think it is a good method to set new impulses.. better then 4 times a week one exercise... ?!

Thanks for your responses!

If you want to train 4 days a weak, every other day would be better, is this practical for you?

Okay, my question is... Is it possible to expand the hst cycle from 6 to 9 weeks, so that I'll do three weeks of 15#, three weeks of #10 and three weeks of #5... what are the consequences of this expanding?
Will it harm the progress and growth?

Its very possible, I like to extend the cycle too, just make sure you increase the load at a decent rate.

''What do you say about the exercise switching... I think it is a good method to set new impulses.. better then 4 times a week one exercise... ?!''

Switching the exercises is fine, sticking with one exercise would have the advantage of greater strength gains in that exercise while switching has the advantage of hitting the muscles slightly differently
I would only do two weeks of 15s, then three weeks of 10s would be ok as long as you didn't start off too light. Stick with around 70/75% of your RM. Then just keep the 5s going as long as possible. Don't forget that once you hit your top weight for 5s you can still get at least a couple of extra productive weeks in. Stick at it until you need to SD.

I'm not sure how many reps you are aiming for but you may find that deads and squats twice a week each will be pretty hard on your lower back once you hit 5s unless you watch your volume.

I would alternate between A & B routines and have different exercises in each, but that's easy for me because I'm only using 5 core exercises each w/o.
Hey lol,

what are you're exercises?
I use only 4 core exercises... deadlift, bench press, row, military press :-)

What are your exercises and how do you change them?

How do I know, when I have to SD?
(style @ Dec. 04 2006,15:16)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">If you want to train 4 days a weak, every other day would be better, is this practical for you?</div>
What do you mean with &quot;every other day would be better&quot; ?
Which days do you suggest?
ATG Squat
Bench (currently on hiatus while injury heals)
Row (Pendlay)
Standing shoulder press

Dips (weighted)
Chins (weighted)
Standing shoulder press or Upright row

If there's time I add in one set of Max Stim curls to A and one or two sets of Overhead tri extensions (for the stretch) to B.

I also do lying external rotations on off days and some kind of calf raises get thrown in there too from time to time.

SD when your joints are giving you a problem or you haven't made any progress for a few weeks with your top weights.

Style just meant leave a day between successive w/os. So one week you'll do four w/os and the next, three. Not everyone can fit that kind of plan into their schedule. I certainly feel that for full-body w/os 3 x weekly is fine. You could always keep the fourth day for some iso work or to bring up a lagging bodypart but just be careful not to overdo it.

you mean... Mo, We, Fr, So, Tue, Thu, Sat, Mo, We ... ?

Hm, that's not really possible with my schedule :/
