U think stopin creatine would lower your......


New Member
Just wondering about this. People have told me that if you take steroids continuely and stop using them then your natural testosterone levels go even lower than they were before you took steroids, so if you take creatine for a while and then stopped using it, do you think it's possible that your natural creatine levels that your body produces would be lower.
Yea, it does. Creatine supplementation produces a negative feedback loop which represses the translation of arginine:glycine amidinotransferase, the enzyme responsible for the rate limiting and first step of the two step synthesis of creatine. Yet, since half of your creatine comes from normal daily intake of meat and half from synthesis, it doesn't necessarily mean that you'll be without creatine until AGAT levels return to norm as compared to steroid supplementation :)
Oh, almost forgot..the low rate of creatine degredation also gives the body ample time to normalize it's AGAT expression :)
You mean your creatine levels wont be like they have been all your life after you stop the creatine cycle?, or will they become normal like they were before ever taking creatine.

Oh yeah, and I know people say the benefits of creatine are great, but I have also heard that when you stop taking creatine all the results you had completely went away! That doesn't make sense because I have read all the articles on think muscle, and HSN and they have said that it may increase protein synthesis, recovery times, etc. So, what actually happens when you stop taking creatine from all you people that know! Huge decrease in mass, power, or what!
They will just return to the levels that they were before you began creatine supplementation.

The only "loss" that occurs when you stop taking creatine is the shedding of the extra water in your muscles and the extra energy boost you receive. The main ergogenic property of creatine is to allow you to get out extra reps per set; those extra reps should, if used properly, help you acheive more hypertrophy. That increase in muscle mass will remain when you stop creatine supplementation (as long as you continue in a maintenence or anabolic state) but you obviously won't have the ability for those extra reps that the creatine provides. Some people confuse the loss of the volumizing effect of creatine via water with a loss in pure muscle mass because they look smaller afterwards; the latter isn't the case.

The only major effect is loss of water and extra energy, dat's it :)
:D Alright, good to know! Thanks for all the quick info Cylus, considering that everyones probably pissed talking about this subject still.