underperforming on middle week workout.


New Member

I'm training 3 times each week, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and I noticed on wednesday workouts, I was always weaker in performances rather on on other days. Even these workouts are at 80%RM & 95%RM, they are always the most difficult for me.
I eat enough, and my lifestyle habits are not different on these days. I don't feel to be too much tired on averall week, before and after these middle workouts. Just feel i got less strengh for this ones than for the others.

Any of you got some advices about what should i check to fix this situation?


PS: further infos on my training to help to better understand can be found here:
Sorry your thread took a while to appear. It got caught in the spam filters, and I was only able to moderate posts and threads today.

As for your problem, unless you are unable to finish the workout (i.e., you stop at 5 reps but you were supposed to do 10), I would just forget about it. This is a common consequence of progressive loading. Sometimes the new loads will be easier, sometimes it will be harder. I can remember days like you've mentioned. It may take me more rest periods, or having to break down a set into two subsets to reach my target reps for the workout. I just don't worry about it.

The worst you can do is start fearing "Wednesday workouts". The mind is a powerful motivator, and also a powerful de-motivator. Worst case, if you approach your Wednesday workout fearing it, you'll set yourself up to perform worse.

In the bigger picture, even if for some reason your middle workouts find you weaker, it really isn't a deal breaker. Not every work out has to be perfect, because we've got our own lives to worry about aside from lifting. As long as you stick to your routine and accomplish it the best you can (plus enough rest and nutrition), you are good to go.

As for finding out how to solve why you are weaker on Wednesdays, it's going to be pretty hard to solve since you already stated you don't know any difference between your daily activities. If you did overlook something, it's during Mondays and Tuesdays most likely. But the best suggestion I can give is really just don't worry about it.

Thank Jvroig for having taking out of the trash my post...
In fact I was wondering if the post validation has worked when i writed it ;-)

So, Thanks also for your answer, we are Wednesday, so, that's the right day for answering :)
I'm totally sharing your opinion about the power of mind, on how you feel in the middle of the week.
You can apply this for workout, but for everything in fact... When you are in the middle of the river, you are far from both coasts....

So, to counter this effect, i have make a little modification: I add about 250 Kcal (should be 10% more of my daily needs) in the morning, to convince my mind that i got enough fuel to support Wednesday workout.

And guess what? It has worked :) Not feeling 100% better, my training is a little bit longer than for other days, due to rest time increasing, but, my mind is not tired and feeling happy with this lure!!!!

thank you for your help!