Understanding HST


New Member
Hey all... I've been into fitness for about 5 years now, I really just go into the weight room and put together my own workouts. Well with my 2nd child being born I have found that I can't just sit around the gym and do whatever I please anymore. I sort of randomly stumbled upon HST while searching for workouts that are effective and time friendly. I just have a few questions now. Hopefully someone can help.

So I am a little confused on how to set my workouts up with the 15/10/5.

So for instance I want to do Squat/Bench/Bent Rows/Military Press as my main compound lifts, but I would like to set up my workout like Squat+Lunges/Bench+Dips/BO Rows+Wide Grip pullups/Military press+Lateral raise. My understanding is with the compound lifts I will do my 1x15 ( first two weeks) 2x10 (second two weeks) 3x5 (third two weeks). How do I treat those secondary lifts such as the lunges/dips/pullups/latera raises... Do I also do them in those same rep ranges???
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Ok. This is how I was looking at setting up my HST routine. I was looking at splitting it up into a A and B day because I can't handle squats and deadlifts in the same day. This is what I have come up with.

Week 1-2 example
Workout A (Monday & Friday)

Squat 1x15
Barbell Lunge
Flat Bench
Bent Over Row
Wide Grip Pull up
Military press
Lateral Raise
Barbell Curl

Workout B (Wednesday)

Barbell Lunges
Incline Bench
Bent Over Row
Wide Grip Pull up
Military press
Lateral Raise
Barbell Curl

When I get to week 5-6 I plan on decreasing the volume to just:

Workout A

Squats 3x5
BO Row
Military press
Barbell curl

Workout B

Deadlift 3x5
BO Row
Military press
Barbell curl

How does this look? Is there to much volume in the first week?
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It seems fine if not a bit too many exercises on the first set up. The dips are going to be hitting your triceps so Id think about ditching the skulls. Even the lunges are just a variation of the sqauts, in my opinion. I begin with deads on A set up and squats on B set up. Doing lunges/squats after deads isnt fun in my experience.

Id probably not want to do skulls on the heavier workouts unless Ive got a spotter. Why have you chosen skulls over dips on the heavier cycles? I, like many here, believe its better with compounds, which skullcrushers aren´t.

When I look at your workout choices Id say the week 5-6 workout would be best for all weeks.
I agree with gbg that the workouts for weeks 5-6 look preferable for all the weeks. I would also agree that dips would be better than skull crushers or, perhaps, close grip bench presses. I would also consider replacing BO rows with neutral chins in at least one or two of the weekly workouts. With neutral grip chins, if you have that option available where you workout, you can handle more weight to stimulate your lats and not worry about your bicep, forearm or wrist limitations. With that workout, you could probably do 2 sets of 15's and 3 sets on the major four 10 rep exercises. I would also keep the curls and tricep exercise on the 5's to 2 sets since they get plenty of work on the other compounds.

Happy lifting.

Old and Grey :cool: