unexpected 8 day virus during middle of 5s...what to do?


so i'm just getting over a nasty virus, took me out about 8 days. i thought it was mono but thank heavens it wasn't. i'd much rather be out one week than four. anyway, needless to say it kinda screwed me over. the first fews days, i couldnt eat anything. finally i got around being able to eat but could only eat certain foods cuz my gums and mouth got messed up. anyway, my diet ended up going to hell as well as my caloric intake. i've lost a few pounds and it seems like i've gained a little extra in the mid section. anyway, that's not too much of a worry though. my question is about my current cycle. i was just about to start my 2nd week of 5s when this happened. now i just pretty much took an unwanted 8 day SD. should i just resume where i left off? the thing is i've only got 3 weeks left in this cycle. should i still SD again in 3 weeks? that would suck. i'm also a little worried about my strength in the upcoming next few days. anyway, hope you guys have some input.
Another option would be to restart at the 10s. Since you didn’t push through the post 5s your body may not need the extra deload of the 15s so you could get most of the muscle building part of the cycle by just restarting at the 10s. That would also easy you back into it a little more than just starting where you left off.