upcoming 6th cycle draft

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hi again, nearing my 5th cycle but will prob extend it a couple wks to wk 8 before taking another break.
am thinking of some modification again so wonder if it's feasible. pls comment.

1) all poundages to go up by only 5ibs irregardless of body part. (when i get to my 10s I feel it's getting harder & harder to complete each set, prob I'll need spotting in my 10s nxt cycle!!)

2) doing weighted chins nxt cycle (no rope to attach weights this cycle so have to stick w bodyweight all e weight) but having not done any before, how to estimate my poundages??

3) no staggering/repeated cycling of weights in my 5s (refer to attached esp squats, shrugs & close grip)
is tat ok??

4) thinkn of droppn military press as my front delts
seem to be growing quite fast (prob from incline barbell press & dir military press work) so if e incline bb press is alridi working it...... yes/no?

5) using dumbbells for biceps. (though i can lift e ez barbell curls, i dun c them growing at all) but e poundages are kinda weird being dumbbells, increment can't go like 5 ibs compared to bb. ok??

6) lying leg curls & calves are not included for now.
prob will add them in after this current cycle is over to tabulate, same goes for deadlifts, currently unaware if i'll hit e targeted 5s poundages.
(hotterdog @ Jun. 06 2008,2:20)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">hi again, nearing my 5th cycle but will prob extend it a couple wks to wk 8 before taking another break.
am thinking of some modification again so wonder if it's feasible. pls comment.  

1) all poundages to go up by only 5ibs irregardless of body part. (when i get to my 10s I feel it's getting harder &amp; harder to complete each set, prob I'll need spotting in my 10s nxt cycle!!)

2) doing weighted chins nxt cycle (no rope to attach weights this cycle so have to stick w bodyweight all e weight) but having not done any before, how to estimate my poundages??

3) no staggering/repeated cycling of weights in my 5s (refer to attached esp squats, shrugs &amp; close grip)
is tat ok??

4) thinkn of droppn military press as my front delts
seem to be growing quite fast (prob from incline barbell press &amp; dir military press work) so if e incline bb press is alridi working it...... yes/no?

5) using dumbbells for biceps. (though i can lift e ez barbell curls, i dun c them growing at all) but e poundages are kinda weird being dumbbells, increment can't go like 5 ibs compared to bb. ok??

6) lying leg curls &amp; calves are not included for now.
prob will add them in after this current cycle is over to tabulate, same goes for deadlifts, currently unaware if i'll hit e targeted 5s poundages.</div>
Even though I am a newbie I will take a shot at this for you.
1) If you are only increasing the weight by 5lbs you are going to see more of an effect on strength and less mass. The object is to have a bigger difference between your effective starting weight and the end weight if you are looking for size. Stay away from spotters for anything but racking/unracking the bar unless you are doing the negatives at the end. Go to positive failure and rack it. You can either end the set there or take a brief break and then try to knock out the last few reps. Using a spotter to finish means you are going past positive failure. Doing this often opens the door for overtraining.

2) Try holding a db with your feet. You can always use a lighter one and see how many reps you can knock out with it and use an online calculator to get your cycle RM's. When figuring the % for the increases use your BW+the additional weight.

3) There is nothing wrong with zig-zagging the weights but if you want to try a cycle with out it there is nothing wrong with that. Here is a good article for dealing with the zig-zag. Charles Ridgely - Setting Up HST Training

4) I dont know if I would drop the press. It is a really effective lift for more than just delts. Are the delts groing too fast? Man I would love to have that problem.

5) No problem with dbs for biceps. A lot of people prefer them. Why the limited increments?

6) I can see dropping the leg curls and calves but for the love of god dont drop the deads!!!
many thanks dawaro for e reply. no newbie answer is considered bad (not like some local crap forum which I lurk around in)

1) ok, i'll try e rest/pause technique then to
complete e reps on my own (but still safety 1st)
cause i've this habit of wanting to finish all e reps
in a set at one go.

4) well, dun mean like kevin leverone delts u know
but when i do a back double biceps pose (u can c
it in my pics) it's more obvsious now as compared
to when i only did behind e neck presses (have
dropped them for safety reasons)

5) using dbs for bicep curls. er, wat u mean
by limited increments? dun get u.
db increments in my gym are in this
way (kg) 2.5, 5, 6, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15, 17.5 etc
(so it's more like 5.5ibs or 2.5kg jumps)

6) i like to deadlift so won't drop it.
still will train hams &amp; calves cause i want
a complete package..

anyway, keep e advice coming ppl!!! weeee