update on fatigue and BCAAs


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A Brief but Updated Scientific Look at the "F" Word: Fatigue

By Alan Cocchetto, NCF Medical Director

Researchers from England and Japan have recently fully clarified the mechanism
of fatigue, known as central fatigue, implicated in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Dr. Eric Newsholme, from Oxford University, and Dr. Takanobu Yamamoto, from Tezukayama University, have made numerous research discoveries about fatigue and the mechanisms that define it.

For starters, there are at least five metabolic causes of fatigue that have been reported in the medical literature. These include 1) a decrease in the phosphocreatine level in the muscle, 2) a proton accumulation in the muscle, 3) depletion of the glycogen store in muscles, 4) hypoglycemia and 5) an increase in the plasma concentration ratio of free tryptophan to branched-chain amino acids.

"Central fatigue" is of keynote importance here due to the fact that it has been implicated in clinical conditions such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) as well as Post-Operative fatigue. Central fatigue is defined as fatigue in the central nervous system (CNS). The implications are important because the fatigue in CFS is central fatigue, in other words, fatigue in the central nervous system (CNS)! According to these researchers, fatigue in the CNS results from fatigue that occurs in a large portion of intercerebral control circuits caused by suppression in the level of voluntary exciting, which are suppressed in the number of motor units to the level of voluntary neuromuscular junction - muscle fibers and the firing frequency. In other words, CFS fatigue is a fatigue different from the fatigue in the motile muscles themselves. Moreover, these researchers have found that this fatigue is different from the so called tiredness feeling caused by physical (muscular) fatigue and, in fact, is generated in a state that is not accompanied by physical fatigue. This is something most of us hadn't read previously!

Dr. Newsholme has been researching central fatigue mechanisms for over twelve years. Along with Dr. Yamamoto, these researchers have now fully clarified the mechanism for central fatigue in the CNS. They found that specific inhibitors of the L-system transporter on the blood-brain barrier (BBB) make it possible to suppress the fatigue in the CNS. Furthermore, two components were found to be therapeutically effective in suppressing this CNS fatigue. The first was a lab based research chemical known as BCH. However, the second component was one that is readily available. That component was branched-chain amino acids otherwise known as BCAA's. BCAA's are essential amino acids for the human body. BCAA's are made up of a mixture of three individual amino acids that include L-leucine, L-isoleucine and L-valine which have a branched-chain in its carbon chain. BCAA's are commonly used supplements by bodybuilders.

In a nutshell, these researchers proved that by inhibiting the L-system transporter, experiments verified that BCAA's and/or BCH suppressed the uptake of tryptophan thereby alleviating fatigue in the central nervous system and thus improved endurance capacity in the animals tested. Research has proven that fatigue in the CNS doesn't show a reduction in the serotonergic system function in the central and peripheral nerves but, in contrast, an enhanced nerve transmission response and this implies a relation to a change in the transmission of extracellular fluid 5-HT (5-hydroxytryptamine) that depends on an increase in tryptophan.
This change in the transmission of extracellular fluid 5-HT causes suppression in the surrounding brain nerves, resulting in fatigue in the CNS. This is the basis for the tryptophan/5-HT hypothesis. The fatigues in both of the central system (CNS) and the peripheral system (muscle system) exist in a related manner. The tryptophan, which is a causal substance of the fatigue, is transferred from the peripheral system (in blood) to the central system (brain) through the blood-brain barrier (L-system transporter) to give inhibiting (negative) information to the CNS. In other words, an excessive amount of tryptophan or 5-HT in the brain suppresses the CNS, causes a reduction in the motor system output that is released through pyramidal tracts and x-motor neurons. This causes inhibition of animal treadmill running performance. It is this mechanism that causes the fatigue phenomena (central fatigue) derived from the CNS. For all CFS patients, this is much more than just "being tired!" Most importantly, however, is the fact that this scientific research may have vital clinical implications for CFS patients due to the applicability of BCAA's.

1.) The role of tryptophan in fatigue in different conditions of stress; Castell LM, Yamamoto T,
Phoenix J, Newsholme EA; Adv Exp Med Biol. 1999;467:697-704
2.) Changes in the albumin binding of tryptophan during postoperative recovery: a possible link
with central fatigue?; Yamamoto T, Castell LM, Botella J, Powell H, Hall GM, Young A,
Newsholme EA; Brain Res Bull. 1997;43(1):43-6
3.) Diminished central fatigue by inhibition of the L-system transporter for the uptake of
tryptophan; Yamamoto T, Newsholme EA; Brain Res Bull. 2000 May 1;52(1):35-8
4.) The effect of tryptophan deficiency in the brain on rat fatigue levels: a rat model of fatigue
reduction; Yamamoto T, Newsholme EA; Adv Exp Med Biol. 2003;527:527-30
5.) The plasma level of some amino acids and physical and mental fatigue; Newsholme EA,
Blomstrand E; Experientia. 1996 May 15;52(5):413-5
6.) Tryptophan, 5-hydroxytryptamine and a possible explanation for central fatigue; Newsholme
EA, Blomstrand E; Adv Exp Med Biol. 1995;384:315-20
7.) Physical and mental fatigue: metabolic mechanisms and importance of plasma amino acids;
Newsholme EA, Blomstrand E, Ekblom B; Br Med Bull. 1992 Jul;48(3):477-95
8.) Characterisation of L-tryptophan transporters in human placenta: a comparison of brush
border and basal membrane vesicles; Kudo Y, Boyd CA; J Physiol. 2001 Mar 1;
531(Pt 2):405-16
9.) Amino acids and central fatigue; Blomstrand E; Amino Acids. 2001;20(1):25-34
Interesting Faz.

Anyone aware of any subsequent study (ie. post 2004) on the effects of BCAA supplementation on CFS and/or CNS fatigue?
(Lol @ May 07 2009,7:32)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Interesting Faz.

Anyone aware of any subsequent study (ie. post 2004) on the effects of BCAA supplementation on CFS and/or CNS fatigue?</div>
J Nutr. 2006 Feb;136(2):553S-559S.
Exercise, serum free tryptophan, and central fatigue.

Fernstrom JD, Fernstrom MH.

Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh PA 15213, USA. fernstromjd@upmc.edu

Brain tryptophan (TRP) concentrations and serotonin (5HT) synthesis and release increase during running. This increase in 5HT function may promote central fatigue and contribute to suboptimal physical performance. The rise in brain TRP is reputed to result from exercise-induced elevations in serum nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) concentrations, which dissociate TRP from albumin in blood and increase the serum free TRP pool. But, as discussed in this article, ample evidence exists that the serum free TRP pool does not control brain TRP uptake. The clearest data are dietary, but pharmacologic data in exercising rats also support this conclusion. Changes in the serum levels of amino acids that compete with TRP for brain uptake appear also not to explain the rise in brain TRP. The mechanism is therefore not presently known. The link between the rise in brain TRP and 5HT synthesis/release is not simple: a rise in brain TRP stimulates 5HT synthesis/release in actively firing neurons. Hence, during exercise, only 5HT neurons that are firing should increase 5HT production/release when brain TRP rises. It is not known which 5HT neurons fire during exercise; the 5HT neurons that respond to exercise-induced increases in brain TRP are therefore not known. Hence, it is not possible to conclude which 5HT neurons contribute to the generation of central fatigue. Because some 5HT neurons control specific functions important to physical performance (e.g., respiration), the current understanding of 5HT neuronal function in central fatigue might benefit from the study of specific 5HT pathways during exercise.

Publication Types:
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

PMID: 16424146 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


2: J Nutr. 2006 Feb;136(2):544S-547S.
A role for branched-chain amino acids in reducing central fatigue.

Blomstrand E.

Astrand Laboratory, University College of Physical Education and Sports and Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. eva.blomstrand@gih.se

Several factors have been identified to cause peripheral fatigue during exercise, whereas the mechanisms behind central fatigue are less well known. Changes in the brain 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) level is one factor that has been suggested to cause fatigue. The rate-limiting step in the synthesis of 5-HT is the transport of tryptophan across the blood-brain barrier. This transport is influenced by the fraction of tryptophan available for transport into the brain and the concentration of the other large neutral amino acids, including the BCAAs (leucine, isoleucine, and valine), which are transported via the same carrier system. Studies in human subjects have shown that the plasma ratio of free tryptophan (unbound to albumin)/BCAAs increases and that tryptophan is taken up by the brain during endurance exercise, suggesting that this may increase the synthesis of 5-HT in the brain. Ingestion of BCAAs increases their concentration in plasma. This may reduce the uptake of tryptophan by the brain and also 5-HT synthesis and thereby delay fatigue. Accordingly, when BCAAs were supplied to human subjects during a standardized cycle ergometer exercise their ratings of perceived exertion and mental fatigue were reduced, and, during a competitive 30-km cross-country race, their performance on different cognitive tests was improved after the race. In some situations the intake of BCAAs also improves physical performance. The results also suggest that ingestion of carbohydrates during exercise delays a possible effect of BCAAs on fatigue since the brain's uptake of tryptophan is reduced.

Publication Types:
Clinical Trial
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

PMID: 16424144 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


3: J Nutr. 2006 Jan;136(1 Suppl):274S-6S.
Branched-chain amino acids and central fatigue.

Newsholme EA, Blomstrand E.

Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. eva.blomstrand@gih.se

An account of the tryptophan (Trp)-5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)-central fatigue theory is provided and an explanation of how oral administration of BCAAs can decrease fatigue on the basis of this theory is given. The rate-limiting step in the synthesis of 5-HT is the transport of Trp across the blood-brain barrier. This transport is influenced by the fraction of Trp available for transport into the brain and the concentration of the other large neutral amino acids, including the BCAAs, which are transported via the same carrier system. During endurance exercise, there is an uptake of Trp by the brain, suggesting that this may increase the synthesis and release of 5-HT in the brain. Oral intake of BCAAs may reduce this uptake and also brain 5-HT synthesis and release, thereby delaying fatigue. Other hypotheses for the effect of BCAAs on central fatigue are included.

Publication Types:
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

PMID: 16365097 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


4: J Nutr. 2005 Jun;135(6 Suppl):1539S-46S.
Branched-chain amino acids and brain function.

Fernstrom JD.

Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, PA 15213, USA. fernstromjd@upmc.edu

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) influence brain function by modifying large, neutral amino acid (LNAA) transport at the blood-brain barrier. Transport is shared by several LNAAs, notably the BCAAs and the aromatic amino acids (ArAAs), and is competitive. Consequently, when plasma BCAA concentrations rise, which can occur in response to food ingestion or BCAA administration, or with the onset of certain metabolic diseases (e.g., uncontrolled diabetes), brain BCAA concentrations rise, and ArAA concentrations decline. Such effects occur acutely and chronically. Such reductions in brain ArAA concentrations have functional consequences: biochemically, they reduce the synthesis and the release of neurotransmitters derived from ArAAs, notably serotonin (from tryptophan) and catecholamines (from tyrosine and phenylalanine). The functional effects of such neurochemical changes include altered hormonal function, blood pressure, and affective state. Although the BCAAs thus have biochemical and functional effects in the brain, few attempts have been made to characterize time-course or dose-response relations for such effects. And, no studies have attempted to identify levels of BCAA intake that might produce adverse effects on the brain. The only &quot;model&quot; of very high BCAA exposure is a very rare genetic disorder, maple syrup urine disease, a feature of which is substantial brain dysfunction but that probably cannot serve as a useful model for excessive BCAA intake by normal individuals. Given the known biochemical and functional effects of the BCAAs, it should be a straightforward exercise to design studies to assess dose-response relations for biochemical and functional effects and, in this context, to explore for adverse effect thresholds.

Publication Types:
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

PMID: 15930466 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


5: Am J Clin Nutr. 2000 Aug;72(2 Suppl):573S-8S.

Serotonin and central nervous system fatigue: nutritional considerations.

Davis JM, Alderson NL, Welsh RS.

Department of Exercise Science, School of Public Health, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208, USA.

Fatigue from voluntary muscular effort is a complex phenomenon involving the central nervous system (CNS) and muscle. An understanding of the mechanisms within muscle that cause fatigue has led to the development of nutritional strategies to enhance performance. Until recently, little was known about CNS mechanisms of fatigue, even though the inability or unwillingness to generate and maintain central activation of muscle is the most likely explanation of fatigue for most people during normal daily activities. A possible role of nutrition in central fatigue is receiving more attention with the development of theories that provide a clue to its biological mechanisms. The focus is on the neurotransmitter serotonin [5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)] because of its role in depression, sensory perception, sleepiness, and mood. Nutritional strategies have been designed to alter the metabolism of brain 5-HT by affecting the availability of its amino acid precursor. Increases in brain 5-HT concentration and overall activity have been associated with increased physical and perhaps mental fatigue during endurance exercise. Carbohydrate (CHO) or branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) feedings may attenuate increases in 5-HT and improve performance. However, it is difficult to distinguish between the effects of CHO on the brain and those on the muscles themselves, and most studies involving BCAA show no performance benefits. It appears that important relations exist between brain 5-HT and central fatigue. Good theoretical rationale and data exist to support a beneficial role of CHO and BCAA on brain 5-HT and central fatigue, but the strength of evidence is presently weak.

Publication Types:

PMID: 10919962 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


6: Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol. 1999 Mar;79(4):318-24.
Effect of acute and chronic exercise on plasma amino acids and prolactin concentrations and on [3H]ketanserin binding to serotonin2A receptors on human platelets.

Strüder HK, Hollmann W, Platen P, Wöstmann R, Weicker H, Molderings GJ.

Institute of Sports Games, German Sport University, Cologne.

The neurotransmitter serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) has been shown to modulate various physiological and psychological functions such as fatigue. Altered regulation of the serotonergic system has been suggested to play a role in response to exercise stress. In the present study, the influence was investigated of acute endurance exercise and short-term increase in the amount of training on the concentrations of the 5-HT precursor tryptophan (TRP), of prolactin (PRL) and of branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) in the blood, as well as on the binding of [3H]ketanserin to the serotonin-2A (5-HT2A) receptors on platelets. Nine healthy endurance-trained men were tested the day before (I) and after (II) a 9-day training programme. Samples of venous blood were drawn after an overnight fast and following 5 h of cycling. Fasted and post-exercise plasma concentrations of free TRP, BCAA and free TRP:BCAA ratio did not differ between I and II. A significant decrease of plasma BCAA (P &lt; 0.01) and significant augmentations of plasma free TRP, free TRP:BCAA ratio and PRL (P &lt; 0.01) were found post-exercise. The increase in plasma PRL was smaller in II compared with I. Acute endurance exercise reduced the density of platelet 5-HT2A receptor [3H]ketanserin binding sites at I and II (P &lt; 0.05). The basal density of the binding sites and the affinity of [3H]ketanserin for these binding sites were unaffected by an increase in the amount of training. The present results support the hypothesis that acute endurance exercise may increase 5-HT availability. This was reflected in the periphery by increased concentration of the 5-HT precursor free TRP, by increased plasma PRL concentration, and by a reduction of 5-HT2A receptors on platelets. It remains to be resolved whether these alterations in the periphery occur in parallel with an increase in the availability of 5-HT in the brain.

Publication Types:
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

PMID: 10090630 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


7: Adv Exp Med Biol. 1999;467:697-704.
The role of tryptophan in fatigue in different conditions of stress.

Castell LM, Yamamoto T, Phoenix J, Newsholme EA.

University Department of Biochemistry, Oxford, UK. cat@bioch.ox.ac.uk

Tryptophan is the precursor for the neurotransmitter 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), which is involved in fatigue and sleep. It is present in bound and free from in the blood, where the concentration is controlled by albumin binding to tryptophan. An increase in plasma free tryptophan leads to an increased rate of entry of tryptophan into the brain. This should lead to a higher level of 5-HT which may cause central fatigue. Central fatigue is implicated in clinical conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome and post-operative fatigue. Increased plasma free tryptophan leads to an increase in the plasma concentration ratio of free tryptophan to the branched chain amino acids (BCAA) which compete with tryptophan for entry into the brain across the blood-brain barrier. The plasma concentrations of these amino acids were measured in chronic fatigue syndrome patients (CFS) before and after exercise (Castell et al., 1998), and in patients undergoing major surgery (Yamamoto et al., 1997). In the CFS patients, the pre-exercise concentration of plasma free tryptophan was higher than in controls (p &lt; 0.05) but did not change during or after exercise. This might indicate an abnormally high level of brain 5-HT in CFS patients leading to persistent fatigue. In the control group, plasma free tryptophan was increased after maximal exercise (p &lt; 0.001), returning towards baseline levels 60 min later. The apparent failure of the CFS patients to change the plasma free tryptophan concentration or the free tryptophan/BCAA ratio during exercise may indicate increased sensitivity of brain 5-HT receptors, as has been demonstrated in other studies (Cleare et al., 1995). In post-operative recovery after major surgery plasma free tryptophan concentrations were markedly increased compared with baseline levels; the plasma free tryptophan/BCAA concentration ratio was also increased after surgery. Plasma albumin concentrations were decreased after surgery: this may account for the increase in plasma free tryptophan levels. Provision of BCAA has improved mental performance in athletes after endurance exercise (Blomstrand et al., 1995, 1997). It is suggested that BCAA supplementation may help to counteract the effects of an increase in plasma free tryptophan, and may thus improve the status of patients during or after some clinically stressful conditions.

Publication Types:

PMID: 10721121 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


8: Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1997 Jan;29(1):58-62.
Effects of acute physical exercise on central serotonergic systems.

Chaouloff F.

Génétique du Stress, INSERM CJF 94-05, Université Bordeaux II, France.

This paper reviews data concerning the effects of acute physical exercise (treadmill running) in trained rats. Works from the 1980's have established that acute running increases brain serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine: 5-HT) synthesis in two ways. Lipolysis-elicited release of free fatty acids in the blood compartment displaces the binding of the essential amino acid tryptophan to albumin, thereby increasing the concentration of the so-called &quot;free tryptophan&quot; portion, and because exercise increases the ratio of circulating free tryptophan to the sum of the concentrations of the amino acids that compete with tryptophan for uptake at the blood-brain barrier level, tryptophan enters markedly in the brain compartment. However, this marked increase in central tryptophan levels increases only to a low extent brain 5-HT synthesis, as assessed by the analysis of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid levels, thereby suggesting that exercise promotes feedback regulatory mechanisms. Indirect indices of 5-HT functions open the possibility that acute exercise-induced increases in 5-HT biosynthesis are associated with (or lead to) increases in 5-HT release. Lastly, the hypothesis that training and/or acute exercise triggers changes in 5-HT receptors has been examined in several studies; actually, both positive and negative results have been reached. Taken together, all these data support the need for future studies on the functional effects of exercise on 5-HT, including those related to the hypothesis that the positive mood effects of exercise rely (partly or totally) on central serotonergic systems.

Publication Types:

PMID: 9000156 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


9: J Physiol. 1995 Aug 1;486 ( Pt 3):789-94.
Ingestion of branched-chain amino acids and tryptophan during sustained exercise in man: failure to affect performance.

van Hall G, Raaymakers JS, Saris WH, Wagenmakers AJ.

Department of Human Biology, University of Limburg, Maastricht, The Netherlands.

1. An increased uptake of tryptophan in the brain may increase serotoninergic activity and recently has been suggested to be a cause of fatigue during prolonged exercise. The present study, therefore, investigates whether ingestion of tryptophan or the competing branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) affect performance. Ten endurance-trained male athletes were studied during cycle exercise at 70-75% maximal power output, while ingesting, ad random and double-blind, drinks that contained 6% sucrose (control) or 6% sucrose supplemented with (1) tryptophan (3 g l-1), (2) a low dose of BCAA (6 g l-1) or (3) a high dose of BCAA (18 g l-1). 2. These treatments greatly increased the plasma concentration of the respective amino acids. Using the kinetic parameters of transport of human brain capillaries, BCAA supplements were estimated to reduce brain tryptophan uptake at exhaustion by 8-12%, while tryptophan ingestion caused a 7- to 20-fold increase. Exercise time to exhaustion was not different between treatments (122 +/- 3 min). 3. The data suggest that manipulation of tryptophan supply to the brain either has no additional effect upon serotoninergic activity during prolonged exhaustive exercise or that manipulation of serotoninergic activity functionally does not contribute to mechanisms of fatigue.

Publication Types:
Clinical Trial
Randomized Controlled Trial

PMID: 7473239 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
PMCID: PMC1156566


10: J Sports Sci. 1995 Summer;13 Spec No:S49-53.Related Articles, Links
Central and peripheral factors in fatigue.

Davis JM.

Department of Exercise Science, University of South Carolina, Columbia 29208, USA.

The causes of fatigue during muscular exercise include factors that reside in the brain (central mechanisms) as well as the muscles themselves (peripheral mechanisms). Central fatigue is largely unexplored, but there is increasing evidence that increased brain serotonin (5-HT) can lead to central (mental) fatigue, thereby causing a deterioration in sport and exercise performance. Although there are also strong theoretical grounds for a beneficial role of nutrition in delaying central fatigue, the data are much more tenuous. Dietary supplementation with branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) in low doses produces small and probably inconsequential effects on peripheral markers of brain 5-HT synthesis (plasma free tryptophan/BCAA), whereas larger doses are likely to be unpalatable, reduce the absorption of water in the gut, and may increase potentially toxic ammonia concentrations in the plasma. Alternatively, carbohydrate supplementation results in large reductions in plasma free tryptophan/BCAA and exercise time to fatigue is significantly longer, but it is difficult to distinguish between the effects of carbohydrate feedings on central fatigue mechanisms and the well-established beneficial effects of carbohydrate supplements on the contracting muscle. These data support the exciting possibility that relationships exist among nutrition, brain neurochemistry and sport performance. However, while the evidence is intriguing and makes good intuitive sense, our knowledge in this area is rudimentary at best.

Publication Types:

PMID: 8897320 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


11: Int J Sports Med. 1995 Apr;16(3):155-9.
Serum amino acid concentrations in nine athletes before and after the 1993 Colmar ultra triathlon.

Lehmann M, Huonker M, Dimeo F, Heinz N, Gastmann U, Treis N, Steinacker JM, Keul J, Kajewski R, Häussinger D.

Department of Sports and Performance Medicine, University Medical Hospital, Freiburg, Germany.

The amino acid imbalance hypothesis should explain the fatigue originating in the brain during sustained exercise or over-training as a branched-chain (BCAA)/aromatic amino acids (AAA) imbalance with increased brain tryptophan uptake and 5-hydroxytryptamine synthesis. The serum amino acid profile was determined in 9 ultra-triathletes before and after completing the 1993 Colmar ultra-triathlon to additionally analyse the extent of this amino acid imbalance during such an extreme prolonged contest lasting more than 23 hours. The summed serum concentration of 25 amino acids decreased by 18% from 3962 +/- 846 to 3255 +/- 694 umol.l-1 likely reflecting a catabolic state of the organism with a decrease in 18 individual amino acids by 9-56%, an increase in cystine (+38%), methionine (+24%), tyrosine (+10%), phenylalanine (+12%), free tryptophan (+74%), and constant glutamine, leucine and total tryptophan levels. Since plasma volume increased by approximately 7.6% with a 3.3 kg body mass decrease in the athletes during the ultra triathlon, a decrease in intra-cellular water with an extra-cellular fluid increase is hypothesized. This decrease in cellular hydration state is seen as a protein-catabolic signal.

PMID: 7649705 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


12: Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1986 May 29;137(1):149-53.
Effect of sustained exercise on concentrations of plasma aromatic and branched-chain amino acids and brain amines.

Acworth I, Nicholass J, Morgan B, Newsholme EA.

In both trained and untrained rats, exercise increased the plasma concentration ratio of aromatic amino acids to branched-chain amino acids which might favour entry of the aromatic amino acids into the brain. Exercise in trained rats did not change the brain concentration of 5-hydroxytryptamine but increased that of 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid. Exercise in the untrained rat increased the concentration of brain tryptophan and that of 5-hydroxytryptamine but that of 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid was unchanged. The increased concentration of 5-hydroxytryptamine in untrained rats might be involved in central fatigue.
I asked and the heavens opened!
As always, thanks Dan. I'll have a read tomorrow.
This begs the question of just what levels of BCAA are effective.

Probably the BCAA supplements we typically encounter, would have very limited benefit.

And sufficient amounts, as stated in the text, might have very negative side effects.

Interesting information however.