

New Member
Hi all,

It's been a while since I've been active here and been reading on this topic. I was just wondering if any new milestones type of changes have been made to the overall system? Specifically anything surrounding Strategic Deconditioning.

Seems MaxStim is pretty well settled as an accepted routine now as well, correct me if I'm wrong but last I check there was nothing particularly new there researchwise as well, right?
Welcome back. I am relatively new to HST and really found it to be very productive. I plan to return to HST in a couple of cycles after I experiment with a DUP layout I have been working on. In the three cycles I ran of HST I used a short one week SD with only light cardio work. As such when I came back to the 15s I found that they were less challenging than anticipated. I believe that a slightly longer SD would have produced slightly better results in the 15s had I done that. I did not give myself enough time to become fully deconditioned.

When reading the logs on this site it would appear that other trainees have had a similar experience. Some have decided to go as far as removing the 15s or starting out the cycle at a higher percentage. I would think that a proper SD should produce good results in the 15s and make them more productive for hypertrophy although still not as good as the 10s or 5s.

It is very hard to take the time off as prescribed and I fall into this category. Restarting is far harder to do than to continue to maintain doing the work. Perhaps HIIT training using compound lifts over the SD period would be a reasonable middle ground. Spend the two weeks of SD doing Bench Press, Rows and Squats in a circuit HIIT style with really light weight. It would feed the need for training but keep the loads very low so as to mainly work as cardiovascular. I think you could still decondition in this way. I utilized HIIT with my last cycle on a full body split. The results were very nice and I dropped a bit of BF over the cycle.

Another approach that I may try is to vary the rep speed during the lower weight portions of the 15s and 10s. When starting the 15s or 10s cycles, if the weights feel too light, simply increase the TUT by slowing the rep speeds. As the weight increases upwards go back to a more natural rep speed that will allow more weight to be used. In this way I can work on muscle endurance during the low weight portions and still fulfill the need to feel worked at the end of the session. A rep speed of 2121 or so should be challenging even with a 70% load.

The type of fatigue generated by slow lifting feels different to me than what I feel when working with weights that are near my PRs using a natural 1020 rep speed. This is just my instincts speaking here. Perhaps others will chime in with their own ideas or if there have been any further revelations concerning SD.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Perhaps HIIT training using compound lifts over the SD period would be a reasonable middle ground.</div>

Then its not deconditioning, and I have my doubts as to whether this would work, beats me why people have such difficulty giving up the weights for a week at least!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Another approach that I may try is to vary the rep speed during the lower weight portions of the 15s and 10s. When starting the 15s or 10s cycles, if the weights feel too light, simply increase the TUT by slowing the rep speeds. As the weight increases upwards go back to a more natural rep speed that will allow more weight to be used. In this way I can work on muscle endurance during the low weight portions and still fulfill the need to feel worked at the end of the session. A rep speed of 2121 or so should be challenging even with a 70% load.</div>

An approach that seems to have its benefits, during this phases as it gives the trainee the feeling of having trained hard with lesser weights, one certain benefit is the attention given to form while doing this, certainly will help during the harder phases!
Good points Fausto. As always the voice of reason.

I have not tried HIIT during the SD before, only steady state cardio. But perhaps it would undermine the SD. Thanks for chiming in.
(xahrx @ Jun. 26 2009,11:57)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Seems MaxStim is pretty well settled as an accepted routine now as well, correct me if I'm wrong but last I check there was nothing particularly new there researchwise as well, right?</div>
I did MS almost for a year but switched back to HST because the results was not really what I expected. Its also to heavy for me. I do only some MS sets when I do press in my negatives week.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I did MS almost for a year but switched back to HST because the results was not really what I expected. Its also to heavy for me. I do only some MS sets when I do press in my negatives week. </div>

&quot;Different strokes for different fokes&quot;, at least you did the &quot;labcoat&quot; thing and now you know what works for you.

When one strats dwelling into technique to get the most of one's training, the &quot;vanilla&quot; approach is no longer applicable, this is where &quot;streamlining&quot; starts to take place
and individuallity takes over! We all different, some more different than others!

At this point I'd suggest a good read of Jules's E-book, &quot;pimp my HST&quot; it is fulll of different approaches, that may prove valuable to many.

Any takers are welcome to request it at: fSilva@aspenpharma.com
I am not sure whether it is available here, I know it was, but in any case, you're welcome...I'll zip it and send it!
I'd like to read Jules's E-book, &quot;pimp my HST&quot;..couldnt email you though Fausto.

Anyone able to put it on here like the HST FAQ ebook???
I remember reading the ebook when it was on here.
Very interesting, and helpful - especially for trainers that have gone through several 'vanilla' cycles.

It maybe too 'intense' for people new to this way of training, but the trouble is, some people tend to jump in too quickly, wanting to try everything too fast...

yep, I've been there and done that too!

Get the basics sorted, and then experiment with 'tweaking'.

PS - Fausto, I'll email you, if you could forward me a copy please?

(and I promise I've done more than one cycle of HST...! 7 years infact!)


(Fausto @ Jul. 06 2009,2:44)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
Any takers are welcome to request it at: fSilva@aspenpharma.com
I am not sure whether it is available here, I know it was, but in any case, you're welcome...I'll zip it and send it!
HI Fausto, I am also interested in the E-book, &quot;pimp my HST&quot;

Would you send me also a file?
