upper body/lower body split


New Member
Hey would doing an upper/body lower body split just as effective as a regular HST program, for example
mon/wed/fri- ill work upper body and tues,thurs,sat i would be working lower body.

Is that legit and will it be just as effective as regular HST 3x/week workouts, i would rather be in the gym more times with less work each time. Also whats the max sets i should do per muscle group? thanks
Check out Lyles routine.

Some people get better results off it than they do HST.

You never know until you try both!

Check out Bodyrecomposition.com for His upper lower routine!
i went to the bodyrecompisition and it didnt have the information im looking for. Where could i find more in-detail examples about working out 6 days a week( upper,lower,upper,lower,upper,lower) as opposed to usual HST 3. Would i just split it up?