Upper body specialization


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I'm pretty much done cutting - currently at 200 lbs @ 9% bodyfat. So, I'm going to take a couple weeks at maintenance, then do a bulking cycle.

According to the max size calculator, I'm at or above what I should be able to attain for calves and thighs. I swear, even reverse wrist curls make my thighs grow. If I ever shave off my permenant trousers, I'll take some pics. Anyway, according to the calculator, I need to gain quite a bit of size around my chest and a couple inches to my upper arms. I'd like to focus on chest and upper arms for this cycle, although with plenty of back work as well.

What I am considering is cutting out squats and sticking to just deads for legs. I also want to keep deads restricted to just my weds workout. I'd like to use two lifts for chest and two for back every workout, but I need some input.
By the way, before it is mentioned - I can't do dips currently until I figure something else out for them. My old dip station that I built broke. I guess it wasn't very sturdy, in hindsight. If I manage to get something worked out for it, I will do weighted dips on Weds instead of flat bench.

Here's what i'm considering at the moment. I'm going to do 15s while I eat at maintenance as a deloading period, and to get the metabolism and everything normalized before I start eating over maintenance. After the 15s, I'm going to do a week of 10s, then head into the 5s. I'll stick to 2 sets for everything during 15s and 10s.


3x5 Incline Bench
3x5 BB Bentover Row
3x5 Military Press
3x5 Skullcrushers
2x15 DB Bench Press
2x15 Pulldowns


3x5 Deadlifts
3x5 Weighted Chins
3x5 Flat Bench
3x5 DB Shoulder Press
2x15 Pullovers
2x15 BB Curls

I'd like to stretch out the 5s for eight weeks or so, utilizing a deloading period if necessary. I will only increment once a week or so, so I should be able to stretch it out for a long time. I'm hoping for some good strength increases as well.
Some possible issues: Shoulders were bugging me this winter. If it becomes a problem, I'll probably drop military press on Mon/Fri and stick to just DB press on Weds.

After this cycle, I'll return to a more balanced routine.

I respond well to higher volume, so I'd be open to adding in more stuff. Any suggestions?? I was considering doing DB flies on Weds after flat bench, but I don't know if they are worth it.

Have you tried POF training? Seems like a reasonable approach, specially for lagging body parts!  

Darn sound like we are talking about engine parts

Alternatively I like the drop sets approach to get things going!

I am gonna attach POF for you to check, just a suggestion o'pal.
Checked out your POF doc, Fausto.

Most, I believe, already tend to do that. I think it is a rare bodybuilder who sticks to 1 exercise for each bodypart, and rarer the one who uses exactly the same type of exercises for a bodypart (flat bench then DB bench? does anybody really do that? I don't think so, more like incline, then flat)

The "stretch-point" is also no news. That's the best way to incorporate an iso - for the stretch, not the load.

The "mid-range" is where I'm a bit skeptical. It doesn't provide extra stretch, and doesn't add to the load at all. As of now, I'm more leaning towards doing another of the main compound rather than an extra "mid-range" exercise. I just see no benefit to the mid-range that you wouldn't have gotten by, say, a drop set on the mian compound.

Well, my 0.02 on that.

As for tot, the routine looks good. How would you deload during the 5's to be able to extend them? (I mean what weights are you planning to use durign the deloading?)

Incrementing once a week is great. I've been doing it for a long time already, up to right now actually. Since I workout at home and am really pressed or time, it's convenient that I don't need to change plates at all, except once a week to set them to the right poundage for the week

tot i would drop flat bench db bench and put decline bench in place of dips.
if your having shoulder trouble replace millatery press with rear lateral raises,your delts will get some work from incline.
Ok, high frequency? Then go check Waterbury's High Frequency System Training.

I sometimes use some of these techniques but always try to keep HST principles no matter what!

Here ya go:

Let's see, what I like about it is the idea of supersetting a high demand exercise with a low demand one, always trying to hit a certain number to keep the fatigue factor equalized so to say...well read on, there is nothing to loose.

Just another opinion and seems feasible!
Totentanz: I read a post from Glenn Pendlay on another forum and I'm going to give it a shot for a few weeks, you may want to try part of it.

Instead of doing DB presses on Friday, do push presses 3x5 with 15-20+ more pounds than your presses from Monday.
Ok Tot I would do the following.

I would do Waterburys High Frequency routine ( i know you are not a fan of him
) Just stick with HST Guide lines.

Also I would do only direct shoulder work on Wed. Instead I would spread the shoulder sets over To Chest and Back On Monday and Friday.

I like the idea of higher volume...so keep the volume like you have it dont add any more IMO.

I think doing deads on just WED if at all is plenty.

I would spend most of my time and energy on sets for CHEST / BACK heavy and high volume on Monday and Friday and back off day on Wed.

As for Waterbury HFT I would do twice a day training if possible 3 days a week and eat like hell.

If you do this you can do his plan like this.

AM 4 sets of 6 reps
PM 2 sets of 12 reps

Monday WEd FRiday.

He recommends 5% increase in weight and I am currently doing his routine and I really like it...its similar to HST and has more variety.

AT least give it a try!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Anyway, according to the calculator, I need to gain quite a bit of size around my chest </div>

Do you ever do flyes? From here, if you slowly built up to being able to perform 5 consequtive reps with good form (arms almost locked) with dummbell flyes with 80lb dumbbells then your chest will grow!
Thanks for the input guys. I'm starting the 15s already with the routine I already posted, but I'm going to adjust for changes before I get to the 5s. I'll post the finalized routine before I start it.

I think I'll use flyes as my secondary chest movement on Weds. I like the idea of push presses on Friday too.

BTW, I accidentally left out a classifieds clipping of some guy selling a power cage and 400 lbs of weights nearby for the wife to find. My birthday is coming up in a couple weeks and I just got a big bonus at work. Hopefully she puts two and two together. If that works out, I'll be able to do dips again.