upper/lower body split CRITIQUE AND HELP


New Member
I recentely just pmed this to Bryan but im curious what you guys think...

monday - upper
tues- lower
wed- upper
thur- lower
fri- upper
sat- lower
followed each day with 20 minutes of running.

My question when doing this type of split, how many sets should i be doing total per muscle group every day?

For example my upper body split.
Back (4 sets total)
Chest (3-4 Sets total)
Shoulders (3 sets total)
Bis (2 sets)
Tri (2 sets)
Trap (2 sets)

lower body split:(4 sets max)
Squat (1-2 sets total)
Leg Curl (2 sets total)

My Question is this too many sets per day per muscle group (or is it not enough) for me to be doing given i am not taking any prohormones.

If those are daily numbers then it might be a bit much, try to stick to the HST principles as per 15/10/5's, normally 1, 2 and 3 sets, you can push those numbers a bit but I'd be concerned to do that for a 6 day program.

One other way of doing it is to take your normal program p/week and split those numbers up in terms of sets p/week, down to the same number over 6 days.

You may wanna get a few more iopinions though as I have not tried a 6 day program with the split you suggesting, it should work though.

As for the prohormones, you'd be better off with good lean food, good quality protein powder with low carbs and creatine. And yeah on a 6 day program it is intensive thus it requires you eat like a hog...good luck and God speed!
extreme cardio = not good (assuming your goal is hypertrophy)

what are your goals relative to where are you are now (w/ regard to training)?
Your program is a bit tough. Perhaps a simple HST cycle with just a couple of exercises good for three full-body workouts per week would give you much better and faster results.

I have a very particular opinion on supplements. You do not need any supplements unless you have reached over 95% of your natural potential and cannot get any further without a specific supplement. But that’s just my opinion with which you and anybody else can disagree. It is much more important to have a clean diet with an appropriate number of calories and lift some heavy iron on a regular basis.

If you are not cutting at the moment, three cardio sessions per week of 30 minutes each should be enough. On the other hand, if you are cutting, more cardio could be necessary. But then you would not want to follow such a hefty program, right?
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">But then you would not want to follow such a hefty program, right?</div>

I was being a bit mild, butthere you have it, could even say I told you so.