Very Light Weights?


New Member
So I've decided to give HST a shot.

I will begin my first cycle on Monday. I found out all of my RMs but I was just a little worried that my 15RMs seem very light.

I understand the program and how it works but I'm just worried that prior to determining my RMs I had not been to the gym in about a week and then I found out my RMs so I feel that they might be a little on the light side?
hey matt. i understand your concern about the light weights and had the same feeling going into my first day of 15s. haha it won't seem as light as you anticipated though as you get going. after a week of SD those weights we'll feel pretty decent, trust me. i remember going into my first set of squats thinking it was going to be cake and it kicking my a$% :). they may feel a little light though, but trust me you'll be thankful for the lighter, beginning portion of the 15s as you get closer to maxing out. i personally feel that the 15s are the toughest, most grueling part of hst. just make sure you start with around 75% of your 15 rep max and the rest should be gravy. but no worries, if you find it to be too light, you can always adjust the weights as you go

I agree with Waray as above.
You may well be surprised by the 'light weights', especially if you're not used to high rep work.
Most of us on here, with exceptions, are probably used to rep ranges of 4-10 or so, as that was always the best recommended for muscle growth. However, the 15s are great for warming your muscles up for the heavier loads in the lower rep ranges, so, to me, they are equally important, and again, as Waray has said, I find them, particularly as I get close to the last couple of workouts, quite gruelling/hard work!

Dont underestimate them!

You'd be surprised how often people post this exact same thing.

Invariably, by the end of the 15s, they are singing a different tune.
Just as an update: I finished my 15s 2 week block and yes it was in fact much more difficult than I anticipated lol. For my shoulder press I even had to reduce the weight :mad: but all in all the 15s block was a success and I am going to continue the cycle :D