volume for the 5's


New Member
im still on my first cycle for hst , and it has worked great compared to traditional ways.

My volume during the 15's consisted of 14 sets and 15 reps each which equaled to 210 reps.

During the 10's i compensated by doing a total of 21 sets with 10 reps each which is 210 reps.

im wondering now, should i keep the volume and reps the same with the 5's b/c i know its gonna be harder to get 5 reps each set even if its not my maxes. What does everyone else think?

Also during my max days, is it ok to lower volume on the # of sets??

Standard practice for starting out with HST tends to be 1 x 15, 2 x 10 and 3 x 5 for each exercise. If you are doing 14 exercises then the 10s and 5s will probably take you too long to complete without feeling completely washed out.

Some folks deal with volume better than others though so you have to find out what suits you. However, there is no sense in doing more volume than you need to. Attempting to get 15 (or so) total reps for each exercise for the entire cycle is a good place to start.

IMHO I think you would probably be better off dropping isos from your routine and sticking to 5 or 6 big compounds to hit as many major muscle groups as possible allowing you to work your body in less time and to keep your volume up.

LOL is right, you be better off halving that down to 7 for the 5's then you will be able to keep the volume.

That is why we always recommend staying with 5 - 7 exercises at most, I know it is hard and ,akes you feel like you not working what you need to, but if you choose the right compounds you cannot go wrong!

Try it, you won't be sorry!
I totally agree with Lol. If you start out with too many exercises, you will find that your workouts last too long and drain you completely (especially near the end of 5's and during the post-5's). Just stick with the major compounds and make sure that you are using enough volume with them. Don't worry too much about the rest. You can add an isolation here and there if you want to, but your primary focus should be the real muscle builders.
adb1x1: perhaps you misunderstood what ckso226 meant? He just meant he was doing 14 exercises so during 15s that's 1 set each. Doing 15s isn't the problem. If you have 14 exercises to do, it's when you get to the 5s that your w/o will just be too long and draining.

Yes, at first I did misread it, but then I started thinking about 15's with 14 exercises and that's still a pretty high amount of volume; even at one set per exercise. And as you say, when the 5's come up, it would be a very long workout.