Volume necessary for Hypertrophy


Active Member
Hi, all. Let me refer you to this old posting by Blade:
I suggest you do 2 sets per exercise during the 15s. Then do 2 sets during the first week of 10s, and 1 set during the second week of 10s. Then do 2 sets during the first week of 5s, and finish doing one set (after warm ups of course) during the last week of 5s.
I mean, how many of you have had success doing this? Given time constraints it is important for me to get out of the gym after 40-45 mins. I'm doing mostly compound exercises:
Flat BP
Standing DB press
Seated rows / pull-ups (alternating)
Calf raises
BB curls

Thanks for any tips.
I would also like to see a response on this question because I have seen elsewhere on the forums that you should do 3 sets during the 5's. I had success (about 6lb gain) doing what Blade had suggested. But I would like to see what other peoples results are..
IMHO, HST is guidelines to tweak ur workout according to how u feel when u do ur workout. There is some sort of auto regulation involved, i mean i use formulas to get my 5RM, 10RM, and 15RM. But when i do the workout, sometimes the formulated weight is not what it is, sometimes too heavy, sometimes too light. So i depend on feel to regulate the workout session on that day. HST is good, but if u can incorporate other elements/training parameters to HST, i have no doubt it would be better. Well, thats my opinion about HST, and i hope i did not offend anyone. and please correct me if i am wrong, am learning to be better at the art of hypertrophy :)