volume of HST vs Split


New Member
I am going through the HST articles again and the math seems wrong.

On page [http://www.hypertrophy-specific.com/hst_II.html] it says that a regular split routine would have 9 sets for chest and 8 for back, per week. On the same page there is a sample HST routine with 9 sets for chest and 12 for back, per week.

But this sample HST routine is totally wrong. On page [http://www.hypertrophy-specific.com/hst_notes.html] there is another sample HST routine with 6 sets for chest and 6 for back, per week.

When I read the FAQ, the second week of 5s calls for 1 set per exercise. So this is 3 sets for chest and 3 for back, per week.

Is it me or these numbers prove that the typical HST routine is lower volume than the split routine, despite what the first page says?
That is a sample routine. It is intended purely to illustrate how you could apply the principles. How many sets you have in your routine is up to you. HST does not cal for a specific number of sets per exercise anywhere. Sure, it may suggest a number of sets as a starting point but that doesn't mean "only do one set" or anything.

From the FAQ:
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
If you are doing HST properly you won't be able to just increase your volume at will. If you are doing HST properly you should already be using as much volume as you can reasonably handle and still feel healthy (no injuries etc).

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
Keep in mind that HST does not dictate that the total volume (i.e. number of sets per body part) over the course of the week should be lower than what a person is accustomed to using with traditional routines. HST only advises that the volume be evenly distributed over more workouts in the same time period. So if you are used to doing 9 sets for back on &quot;back day&quot; using a traditional routine (e.g. training each body part once per week), HST would have you do 3 sets at a time for 3 different workouts.

You can read more in the FAQ:
How many sets and how to determine it
Thank you guys.

I do 2 exercises per bodypart. Which is waht is recomended in most places in HST.

I was just confused by the &quot;sample&quot; workouts I saw.

So you can get away with 6 sets a body part per workout and not have the CNS crash? What is that like 36 sets total or something when the other parts are all added up?

You must be a quick healer like me to pull that much off 3 days a week. Could you email me your routine? I would like to check it out. Do you divide between AM's and PM's? ANd what have your gains been like on it?

I am trying to settle on my routine as I know a measly 2 sets wont come anywhere near enough since I am used to so much more. Between flats, inclines and flies or dips on a split routine, I easily kill 6 sets a week for chest like you do.

I would appreciate a peak at your routine if ya dont mind.

My email is wisslewj@yahoo.com

Thanks alot,
Deadlifts- 250- 6x5
Chins- BW- 6x5
Dips- BW- 3x10
Standing Press- 95- 6x5

Here is an example from my log. I don'y think in terms of sets, just total reps. 30 reps/exercise all throughout the cycle, each workout I increase the load.

Are these the only exercises ya do?

If so, it looks like you make up for the excess sets by doing less exercises?

So, you still do roughly 20 sets, which is what a 2 set, multi exercise HST would be about, but you just add more sets to fewer different exercises?

Am I following yu right? So the net result is that you stress your muscles more since you do mores sets, but the stress to the CNS remains pretty similar to a vanilla HST?

Higher volume HST is very doable guys.

I have seen many post lately that seem to think you will overtrain if you do a higher volume. That IMO is simply not the case. I think the original FAQ of HST saying 1 to 2 sets is sufficient is were the majority of everyone get this idea....and this is just my opinion only.

But as long as you don't compromise load then you are okay.

That why Sci looks at it in terms of reps.

20 sets of your 10 rep max at 70 % is extremely doable but when you start getting toward the 90% range is hard to do.

That why it better do decrease volume when it gets heavy if you have to....but IMO this is only for the heavy weights.

I guess what I am trying to say is don't set up your whole HST routine in a panzy way...just b/c it gets heavy at the end.

Im not sure if I even helped this thread with that post?

I get it. So your rep number stays the same and the volume then is almost exactly the same. (give or take the small differencs resuting from some of the differing weights in 8 exercises vs 4)

Kewl. I like this.


Do you find that, by doing more sets on a given exercise as opposed to spreading them out over more, you get better hypertrophy? It makes sense to me that 5 sets of benches would better work the muscle (so long as one didnt over fatigue it) as compared to 2. But I am not certain if that would create better hypertrophy or just a tired muscle.

The faq says alot about this but I am curious from an experiencial perspective what ya think and have noticed.

*smacks self on the head*

Oh yeah!

(its why I eat raw meat lol

Anyway, I notice that you dont have any benches. (I do see dips) Are you focusing less on chest and more on back? (I notice you are doing deads and chins) Is that why you have chosen not to do benches?

And if I do want to focus on chest and shouders and less on arms, how might I tweak what you are doing for myself? (if ya dont mind)

Thanks Sci,