
Hey ya,

I put a post up earlier on concerning how my gains seemed to be higher in the high rep range than when i got down to the 5's. I got some good advice to increase the sets to 2 in the 10's and 3 in the 5's. This seems to make sense to me as when i was doing one set throughout my total workload, reps by weight was going down as the reps decreased from 15 to 10 and from 10 to 5. Is this total workload as important as the actual weights you are lifting

I know there was a poll showing how volume should be with hst and bryan voted for clustering the reps to keep the volume relatively constant. However this seems to run contrary to my understanding of the original routine whereby you do 2 sets both weeks during the 15's and two sets during the first week of the 10's and 5's and one set during the second week of the of the 10's and 5's respectively. If i cluster the reps in this fashion will this make the difference and will i grow all the way through because their really is a huge difference between my growth at the beginning of the cycle and my growth at the end or am i just one of those people who have a majority of slow fibres and respond better to high reps.
Volume is a personal thing. No one can answer it for you. You'll have to figure out how much is enough for you. Bryan has posted something about this before and it's been quoted a ton of times.
If you are never sore, aren't growing or anything, then increase volume. If you are growing, feel sore a lot of the time, but you aren't feeling overtrained, then your volume is about good. If you are always sore, feel like you are running on empty constantly, never get any sleep even though you are constantly tired, then cut volume back.