Wanna SD over the holidays..is this OK?


New Member
This week I finish up my 2nd week of 10's. Everything is going good. I am amazed at how much I am eating. Actually a friend who I had not see in a while said "Have you been working out? " when she saw me in a tank top.

If I entend this cycle 2 more weeks I will be able to SD over the holidays for 2 weeks. This is when I will be real busy with family stuff and the place I lift at will be real busy with the college kids back home. Then I can go balls out with my 2nd cycle to start the new year.

I was thinking of adding a 2 week microcycle of 8's after I finish my 10's. Anyone have a problem with me doing this?

Just wanted to get the blessings of the HST gods..
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]If I entend this cycle 2 more weeks I will be able to SD over the holidays for 2 weeks. This is when I will be real busy with family stuff and the place I lift at will be real busy with the college kids back home. Then I can go balls out with my 2nd cycle to start the new year.

Actually, I am one of those college kids coming home, and not having the gym to goto - so I will be having a 3 week SD.

My past two SD's have been 2 weeks long (16 days to be exact) - and the results have been great thus far. I'm sure you know - just remember to eat above or at maintenance during SD.


There should be no problems with a two week brake over the hollidays, watch out for the holliday food, that is the time one ends up not eating the right stuff.

8 after 10's sounds right as that is suppposed to be the range 8 - 10 that causes nice growth, suppposedly you'll end up on the 5's right?

How long you SD is actually up to you, 2 weeks is about dandy IMO.-
yep after the 8's I will do 2 weeks of 5's then 2 weeks of negs and by then it should be Santa time....
If your next scheduled SD happens to come during the holidays, then that's when it comes. I'd be extra-careful about not eating too much crap then, though--bad time of year not to be physically active.
Seems like a good idea to me. Don't mind the stuff about "crap" foods, calories are calories, protein is protein, fat is fat, carbs are carbs. Get enough of everything, try not to go so much beyond the maintenance level calories for your level of activity, things will be fine.