Warm up


Active Member
How do people warm up to get the best out of them? Right now I've decided to warm-up as suggested by Bryan in HST FAQ:
Specific warm-ups for first exercise of major muscle groups (legs, chest, back)
15s don't really require warm-ups.
10s - 1 set 5 reps @ 70% of working weight on main exercises. Later exercises for same or
auxiliary muscle groups don't require warm-ups unless you feel you need it.
5s - 1 set 5 reps @ 50% of working weight
1 set 3 reps @ 70% of working weight
1 set 2-3 reps @ 80% of working weight
1 set 1 rep @ 90% of working weight (optional)
With one difference: for Squats/BP/SLDL I've added an extra first set with a bare barbell weighing 20 kg (44 lbs) x 8. Then do warm up as specified above, with 1-2 minute rest between warm-up sets, and 3 minute rest before the first working set. The system worked great for 15s (with the difference that I only did 1 minute rest owing to smaller weights). It started good with 10s too, but today after doing bench presses of 1 warm-up w/ empty barbell + 1 set 70% of working weight x 5, I did working set x10 with more effort than I otherwise would (today was my 5-th micro-cycle workout). Maybe I should try waiting another couple of minutes before the working set to regain the required power? That would be 5-6 minutes of rest. Before switching to this warm-up scheme I usually did 3-5 warm up pyramid-type sets, more or less what the FAQ suggests for the 5s I did for the 10s too (not knowing this scheme even existed).
I learned a trick from Mikeynov. I'll occasionally add an extra heavy lift into my otherwise milquetoast warm-ups. For example, for a deadlift warm-up, I'll add in a lift or two that is a good twenty pounds higher than my work set. That way more (all?) muscle fibers get involved, and it makes the work set feel easier.
I learned a trick from Mikeynov. I'll occasionally add an extra heavy lift into my otherwise milquetoast warm-ups. For example, for a deadlift warm-up, I'll add in a lift or two that is a good twenty pounds higher than my work set. That way more (all?) muscle fibers get involved, and it makes the work set feel easier.
I've seen 1 rep with the working weight suggested as the last warm-up set, yours is definitely an idea too.
My posting was more concerned as to why Mr.Haycock had suggested such insufficient warm-up for the 10s. I can surely push 10RM more easily with more adequate warm-up. Tomorrow is just that day, I'm afraid 1 warm-up set won't be enough to complete the 10 reps in the working set.
I've seen 1 rep with the working weight suggested as the last warm-up set, yours is definitely an idea too.
My posting was more concerned as to why Mr.Haycock had suggested such insufficient warm-up for the 10s. I can surely push 10RM more easily with more adequate warm-up. Tomorrow is just that day, I'm afraid 1 warm-up set won't be enough to complete the 10 reps in the working set.

If one set isn't enough, then do two, or three, or however many warm-up sets you feel you need.
I don't even do warmups for the lighter 10s. Once it gets heavier, I still pretty much only do one set at most for warmups with the 10s and it works fine for me. Like Bulldog said, do whatever warmup you feel you need.
If one set isn't enough, then do two, or three, or however many warm-up sets you feel you need.
Today was my long expected 10RM workout. I only did 1 warmup set (except for the bare barbell x8), and rested 4-5 minutes before the bench press working set (5-7 mins for squats and SLDLs). Squats was A-, BP was A-, SLDL was a B and required more effort than I think was necessary. Overall, I'm adding one more set 80% x3 to the heavier 10's (that means workouts 5 and 6).
I don't even do warmups for the lighter 10s. Once it gets heavier, I still pretty much only do one set at most for warmups with the 10s and it works fine for me.
If you've never done better before, you'd never be disappointed, would you? However you might want to try 3-4 warm up sets: BBx8, 70%x5, 80%x3, 90%x2, 100%x10. With enough rest between the sets the results may surprise you.
I've tried pretty much everything. More warmups for the tens always hurts my performance. I save all those extra warmups for 3s and singles.