Wasn't Paying attention: Did 15 rep max on first day, am I screwed?


New Member
Hi. This was my first time and I'm sure we've all made noob mistakes. Basically I misread my sheet and absentmindedly worked my maxes for bench press and military press for the 15 rep first day. If I drop down and continue as I would have normally done without the screw up, do you think this would affect my growth much? Also I think I was off a few pounds the first day on my other exercises just a little.

How much will this affect my growth or am I just worrying too much?
You are going to immediately die.

Just do the rest of your cycle as you should be doing, you will be fine. Aside from being dead, anyway.
I did the same thing yesterday for my first set of overhead press. I did the correct weight on the second set and did not die. :D