Week 7-8, where's the progression?


New Member
I am not exactly sure what should be done on week 7 and 8. You can do drop sets, negatives, or just continue with your week 6 numbers. I'd like to do that last one since it is simple and doesn't require a spotter. My understanding is you just take the workout that you did on the last day of week 6, and do it over and over again for the next two weeks.

One problem with this is that there is no progression. The other problem is that you are now working close to your 5 rep max for two weeks, which means you can easily burn out.

Am I reading this wrong? What are other people doing for weeks 7 and 8?
When you are working at your maxes, it will not matter that much if there is no progression for a couple weeks. The chances of RBE kicking in at this point are pretty low, it would take much longer than just six workouts for those loads to become ineffective.

However, what I would recommend is increasing the load every workout or every other workout until you find your new 5 RMs, then continuing with that until the end of the cycle. You then have your new 5 RMs to use when laying out your next cycle so it bcomes unnecessary to take time out to retest your maxes before you take an SD.