Week number 5 Question


New Member
I am about to start my 5th week of HST.
I read that you are suppose to only do Compound exercises for this.

I plan to do Squats, bench,shoulder press, DB Row, dips, and shrugs.

Can I also add in lateral raise, rear delts, and lat pull downs?

I don't want my side delts, rear delts, and back width to suffer by not doing those exercises.

Any opinions?
I wouldn't worry about your side delts, rear delts, and back width suffering in the space of one cycle. The compounds that you are doing will hit all the muscles you are worried about. They won't necessarily all be hit optimally but they certainly won't be atrophying if you are progressing the loads correctly. You are about to enter the heavy and probably most productive part of the cycle so focus on getting to the end and then pushing for some new PBs in all your main compounds.

Compounds are recommended for the entire cycle, not just the 5s, as you seem to be suggesting, but not necessarily exclusively. It's up to you to decide whether you have enough energy reserves to do some isos too. Don't just assume that you need to do them, though. Wait and see how you get on over a cycle, check your results and then reappraise the situation for your next cycle. If you feel a bodypart is lagging you may need to change your exercises around a bit.

Sticking to compounds for the most part will enable you to cover more of your body effectively without spending unnecessary time on umpteen different exercises. A lot of us alternate between A and B workouts so that we are able to do more exercises during a cycle. So, for example, I might do rows and bench one session, chins and dips the next and then back to rows and bench etc.

Check the Simplify & Win thread (link below) for more info.
Excellent advice as always Mr. LOL.

I noticed the iso's during the 5's got to be a bit much for me.
( I was training twice a day/Three times weekly) So I dropped them. I am now experimenting with Max-Stim.

Lol is once again correctly pointing out good tips and as he says, you have no need to worry about loosing size on either shoulders or back with the mix you have types for us to view!


<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I noticed the iso's during the 5's got to be a bit much for me.</div>

As it is for most of us, noticeably one tries to &quot;pump up the volume&quot; somewhat during 5's in order to maintain equal volume thorughout, thus the isos become kind of a nuisance, IMO I just include a superset for arms with incline curls/Tricep pushdowns as I feel that my arms loose some size if I don't pay them direct attention, we're all different though!
(duramax @ Jul. 18 2007,01:52)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">does db bench count as compound or iso??</div>
Compound: Mainly tris, pecs, delts but other support muscles get worked too.

DB Bench Press

Think of compound exercises as movements involving flexion of two or more joints.
hey guys, i got a little problem, my upper chest is fine but the inner is pretty flat compared to my outer. i need to bring that up to even out my chest because it makes my chest looking like its caving in.

what do you guys suggest i do to work more of my upper inner chest?

i thought about:
incline bb
incline db
bench bb (close grip)
bench db (lower closer to the chest)

is there any more?

D/B Flyes as heavy as you can with the best possible form! Superset them after your normal bench.
i agree with fausto,i believe fly's can help target the inner chest.

ive also found close grip incline to work well.