Weight-less Workouts


New Member
Hello guys,

Im leaving friday for 5 weeks in china, that will be the longest amount of time spend without going to the gym...

I also had to skip 5 gym sessions in the past 2 weeks because i had to get all my work done, I lost 3lbs...

When i cant go to the gym i do some weights at home but its not the same, i dont work has hard i only have dumbells, but at least i can do some work...
I am guessing i will NOT like most of the food in china so i probly wont eat that much proteins , or food at all.

So the point is...
What kind of workout can i do while on trip to keep has much muscle has possible...
I was thinking pushups for sure, maybe with my girlfriend on my back ( she weights 100lbs ) and then what... sit ups ... ok ... how about all my other muscles...
Im bringing along a pair of grippers...

ahh crap im gonna be so skinny when i come back
Squats, do them fast and with full ROM holding your girlfriend. Sprinting, self explanatory. Shadow boxing, kicking. Jumping. Climbing things. Deadlifting the hotel bed. Playing any sport. Grip work with a chair. Dips with two chairs. Low push-ups with two chairs. Leg press the hotel bed.

Ya, I'm bored.
What's your situation looking like there? Hotel, house, etc. If you have some "toys" to play with if you are at a house check out Colby's newest log as he has a caveman routine going on over there.
Are you going to be in a city over there? If so they will surely have a gym or two that you could go to for the time you are there.
I am more than positive you will find protein containing food on china. don´t let stereotypes ruin your experience b4 you even get there.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">What's your situation looking like there? Hotel, house, etc. If you have some &quot;toys&quot; to play with if you are at a house check out Colby's newest log as he has a caveman routine going on over there. </div>

Since Gator Dude mentioned it... Caveman HST

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Are you going to be in a city over there? If so they will surely have a gym or two that you could go to for the time you are there. </div>

It is a civilized nation you know...

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I am more than positive you will find protein containing food on china. don´t let stereotypes ruin your experience b4 you even get there.</div>

From what I heard, you will be shocked when you get over there. Best of luck on the trip. Are you staying in a hotel, because they might have their own small gym by the pool.
I have been to china...

There are tonnes of dishes rich in Protein.
On of my favorites is Ma Po Tofu.

There are tonnes of chicken, fish and pork dishes as well.

Lots of dishes with greens and other yummy Chinese veggies.

Anyway as for the workouts there are tonnes of gyms around.

In fact if you are into rock climbing and you are pleasure traveling head to Yang Shou from Guilin up the Liang river (amazing cruise!). There are a lot of rock climbing, mountain excursions, bike excursions even several caves you can venture through (there is one with a mud lake in the end of it where you can mud wrestle your gf
) . And they have a small but adequate gym.

If you to major cities (Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Xian etc) They all have gyms that you can pay a small fee to workout for a day.

Also, as gator mentioned checkout Colby's latest blog.


On top of that the locals do this really neat Callisthenics exercises watch and maybe ask someone to teach you them. But do not interrupt while it is going on....

Have a safe and happy trip!
Sounds like a hoot! Very educational, Aku, we need to be rid of stereotyping as well.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">On top of that the locals do this really neat Callisthenics exercises watch and maybe ask someone to teach you them. But do not interrupt while it is going on....</div> Because they might Kung Fu your butt into dirt?

Ooooops, stereotyping!
(AKUFADUM @ Jun. 20 2007,08:14)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Anyway as for the workouts there are tonnes of gyms around.


If you to major cities (Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Xian etc) They all have gyms that you can pay a small fee to workout for a day.</div>
I spent most of my mainland China time in up in the north by Shenyang and Liaoyang, though I did get to spend a week or so in Beijing.

You will find that gyms abound -- many of the larger hotels have well equipped weight rooms (though I saw very few squat racks...).

If you'll be stopping in Taiwan, you'll find much the same thing.

BTW, whatever you do don't order lobster! First they bring it out to you alive in order to prove its freshness. Then they cook only the back end of it, so its front end is still alive and looking at you while you eat it...!
(quadancer @ Jun. 20 2007,17:26)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Sounds like a hoot! Very educational, Aku, we need to be rid of stereotyping as well.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">On top of that the locals do this really neat Callisthenics exercises watch and maybe ask someone to teach you them. But do not interrupt while it is going on....</div> Because they might Kung Fu your butt into dirt?

Ooooops, stereotyping!

Slight Hijack:

It's funny you say that, that is one of the reasons I went to China to witness the opening of the Yip Man Tong (Museum dedicated to my late Grand Master).

I am a Ving Tsun practitioner

All in all it was an amazing experience. And being the giant that I am (6'4&quot;) I was like an Alien over there. Everyone wanted to take pictures with me.

But I digress...
Well ill be in hotels sometimes, sometimes ill be staying at houses...
I dont think id be willing to go pay to workout just 1 day , im staying 5 weeks, its gonna cost me a fortune hehe ( im a cheap guy maybe ? )
Im sure they have gyms, i was more looking for alternatives, like, lets say gyms dont exist over there...
As for the food, well... im sure ill find things i like but for sure ill eat less, because im very picky... anyways, thanks for input guys, i think ill just run around do push up and stuff, so this is like a &quot;forced&quot; cutting, which i never like to do anyways, i just hope i can keep as much of my muscle mass as possible...

Alright, ciao guys, im leaving in hmmmm 12 hours !!!
Have a fun trip man. But I gotta say, when it comes to food. If you really are picky, consider the fact we have asian restaurants all over the place. I'm pretty sure there's gotta be a McD's somewhere around there you could grab a burger or whatnot
. Don't get into a fight w/ any ninjas!
(AKUFADUM @ Jun. 21 2007,12:54)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(quadancer @ Jun. 20 2007,17:26)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Sounds like a hoot! Very educational, Aku, we need to be rid of stereotyping as well.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">On top of that the locals do this really neat Callisthenics exercises watch and maybe ask someone to teach you them. But do not interrupt while it is going on....</div> Because they might Kung Fu your butt into dirt?

Ooooops, stereotyping!

Slight Hijack:

It's funny you say that, that is one of the reasons I went to China to witness the opening of the Yip Man Tong (Museum dedicated to my late Grand Master).

I am a Ving Tsun practitioner

All in all it was an amazing experience. And being the giant that I am (6'4&quot;) I was like an Alien over there. Everyone wanted to take pictures with me.

But I digress...</div>
That's really cool. I follow the Yip Man lineage as well...

My Sifu is like maybe 5'9 and in all the pictures of him from Hong Kong, he towers over everyone around him, so I can't imagine what a taller guy would go through.

Have fun Louno. I've always wanted to visit China, but that's going to have to wait a couple decades or so, unless I win the lottery. I'd say screw trying to workout and just enjoy yourself while you are over there. As long as you don't severely overeat or undereat, I wouldn't think you could lose that much in only five weeks. Maybe find some maxes now, plan out your next cycle, then consider the five weeks to be an extended SD.
(Louno @ Jun. 19 2007,20:24)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Hello guys,

Im leaving friday for 5 weeks in china, that will be the longest amount of time spend without going to the gym... ahh crap im gonna be so skinny when i come back
5 weeks ? Just get a chin up bar and don't worry so much. 5 weeks will be over before you know it ---

Sprints up a mountain, take in views, have picnic, enjoy girlfriend. 5 weeks you will remember for the rest of your life.
(Totentanz @ Jun. 21 2007,21:47)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(AKUFADUM @ Jun. 21 2007,12:54)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(quadancer @ Jun. 20 2007,17:26)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Sounds like a hoot! Very educational, Aku, we need to be rid of stereotyping as well.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">On top of that the locals do this really neat Callisthenics exercises watch and maybe ask someone to teach you them. But do not interrupt while it is going on....</div> Because they might Kung Fu your butt into dirt?

Ooooops, stereotyping!

Slight Hijack:

It's funny you say that, that is one of the reasons I went to China to witness the opening of the Yip Man Tong (Museum dedicated to my late Grand Master).

I am a Ving Tsun practitioner

All in all it was an amazing experience. And being the giant that I am (6'4&quot;) I was like an Alien over there. Everyone wanted to take pictures with me.

But I digress...</div>
That's really cool. I follow the Yip Man lineage as well...

My Sifu is like maybe 5'9 and in all the pictures of him from Hong Kong, he towers over everyone around him, so I can't imagine what a taller guy would go through.

Have fun Louno. I've always wanted to visit China, but that's going to have to wait a couple decades or so, unless I win the lottery. I'd say screw trying to workout and just enjoy yourself while you are over there. As long as you don't severely overeat or undereat, I wouldn't think you could lose that much in only five weeks. Maybe find some maxes now, plan out your next cycle, then consider the five weeks to be an extended SD.</div>
Right on Tot...

uh Slight high jack again

Tot who is your sifu? Just curious
And where? It is always cool to meet people from the extended family.

My lineage:
Yip Man - Moy Yat - Dun Wah (Sunny Tang) - John Peluso - Me

And just to let you know I was there for 4 weeks and the entire trip (not including gifts etc) was $3500 (CAD) all included. Though I did go in November.
Yip Man - Ip Ching (one of his sons) - Sam (Hing Fai) Chan - Me

My school is located in Grand Rapids, Michigan. They actually have a site: http://www.chanskungfu.com

Where is yours at?

My school actually has annual trips, which are pretty cheap I guess. I just don't have enough time for that kind of thing with work, etc. I don't attend the school currently anyway, as I don't have time. I still practice at home though. I don't think I could live without at least doing the forms a couple times a week. Hmm... kinda like lifting, I guess.