Weight Progression


New Member
Hey guys,

I stuck this in its own thread as I thought the answer would help others. (And I didnt see the answer in all my reading.)

In setting up the exercises used I was curious how this would effect the progression principle.

Lets say I do Inclines and Declines for my chest. And I seperate them by days. I am stronger in inclines obviously so my week would look something like this:

Mon (incline w/120), Wed (Decline w/140), Fri(130)

How does this affect progression since I am obviously going down and up and down rather then just up? Does it being a different exercise make a difference? It seems this would break the HST progression principle but I am not certain.

Would it then be better to just do both exercises each workout rather then split them? And that goes for any combo such as Shoulder presses and U. Rows, etc. (I am a ssuming an am/pm split would solve this but I havent the time for that.)

I have a few exercises I really like and am not sure if I must pick between them or do them all together or what.

(wisslewj @ Mar. 04 2008,19:18)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">It seems this would break the HST progression principle but I am not certain.</div>
It does not break the progression. Just progress each exercise independently. Every lift you do exerts tension on the muscle in a (at least slightly) different way than other exercises for that same bodypart. They use different synergists, stabilizers, etc.
Along with what Tot said, I think it's good to think of progression in terms of what happens over an entire cycle.

So, in your case:

Q: Are the loads going up over the cycle? Yes.

Q: Might they fluctuate a bit along the way? Yes.

For any cycle, it is where you start and finish that matter most. As long as you are progressing loads over the cycle you should easily stay ahead of RBE. You should also be trying to increase your various RM loads each cycle if you are intending to grow.