Weighted dips/chins progression question


New Member
I currently weigh 150lbs and dip/chin with around 50lbs on my belt on my 5rm.
I progress by 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 100% in each rep range.

My question is, should I go by the % of just the weights on the belt or do I need to include my own BW.
I normally go with just the weights on the belt, so I'll be doing BW + 37.5 lbs at my 75% and so on.

However, I feel like that's not really accurate and should really be 75% of 200lbs (my BW + 50lbs), so 150 lbs. Esentially I'll be just doing my BW at the 75%.

Also, at the 10rms, I can't even do 75% cause it'll be less than what I weigh. So maybe lat pull downs and what substitute for dips instead at the 10s??
If you have access to an assisted dip/chin station, this would be the ideal situation. And in those cases, I recommend using total weight for your calculations. Just the weight from the belt if not very accurate.
If you have no way of doing assisted dips/chins, then I would use pulldowns during the lighter weeks for chins. For dips there isn't really any good substitute, so probably just use bodyweight until you can start loading weight on the belt.