Weightless HST-style workout routine


New Member
Hey guys, i've been doing HST on and off for the last 2 years and i'm now travelling and really want to keep doing a workout 3x a week. wondering is it possible to do an hst type workout without a gym or weights. I've come up with a draft exercise routine that can be varied with intensity to a certain degree. e.g wearing a weighted backpack, slightly varying the technique.

LEGS: 1-leg squats (i find these tricky)
Progression: using moderate to little assistance using arms. Finally doing this while wearing weighted backpack.

CHEST: 1-hand pushups (max is around 4 with each hand)
Progression: Start with 2 hand pushups wearing weighted backpack. Then do 1-hand pushups with other hand giving some minor assistance. Finally progressing to 1hand press ups or wear weighted backpack.

SHOULDERS: handstand press (i can't even do these yet with full range motion)
Progression: Plant yourself upside down against a wall and start with negatives at 15reps. at 10 rep do more slower motion negatives. at 5reps, try and do with full range motion.

BACK: Inverted rows
Progression: Do inverted rows under a table (grip is a bit awkward). Add a backpack for more resistance. Aim for 1-hand inverted row.

Other possibilities: I might purchase a portable chin-up bar i can use it wherever i go. That way, if i wanted to add some really challenging resistance at the end of each mini-cycle, i can do 1-hand chin up negatives or inverted rows.

The real problem is that i really miss are my Deadlifts and i can't think of any suitable exercise replacement. I could go around lifting up heavy furniture i guess, but there doesn't seem to be any effective way of adding progression to this. I guess i could do buy some of those elastic power bands which can be put in my suitcase too. If anybody has some creative ideas or suggestions for this routine, i would very much like to hear it!
You probably wouldn't get very much hypertrophy through these exercises. But if it's all you can do.. then its all you can do. As for your progression to one handed movements. I think you'll find that once you do that, the exercise will be altered significantly, in that alot more stabilizer muscles are used. If your after functional strength.. then this is great. Otherwise, just stick to both hands and increase the weight in your back pack.