Weights for second cycle


I am about to start my second cycle of HST but have a question about the weights.

I read a post saying that for the second cycle to find your new maxes for 10's/15's you can just use an online calculator by putting in your maxes for 5's from the previous cycle. I did this but the weights that were calculated were quite alot more than I used in my first cycle. for example the weight for my squats for 15's went up about 28%

Does this seem right or is there a better way to find new maxes for 10's/15's? i.e take my maxes for 5's and decrement back by 5-10 pounds for each workout all the way to my first workout of 15's?
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You should figure out your maxes prior to SD that way if you do need to test anything, you can do it before you SD. Like Canborn suggested, I would have taken the maxes that the calculator gave me and took a day or two before SD to test them and see if I can actually do them. Calculators aren't 100% accurate but they should be close for at least the 10 RM based on your 5 RM. If it is giving you a 10 RM considerably higher than your previous, it is possible that you weren't pushing hard enough when you tested your 10 RM previously, or maybe you don't have as much endurance and that is why your 10 RM is lower than expected based on your 5 RM. Could be a lot of things. Also, which calculator were you using? I prefer the one here or the one on exrx.com.
yeah agree the calculations are not always going to represent exactly what you are going to be able to lift but they do give you a good ballpark number to go on.
Thanks for the replies,

Haven't tried the weights, I guess I was a little too keen to SD and should of taken a week at then end of my first cycle to find my new maxes as suggested.

I suppose the most important thing is that I progress to my 5rm max, so maybe I will start a bit lighter than what the calculator says an adjust the weights upwards if I think I can manage an increase?

Totentanz I was just using some random calculator I found online, the calculator here and the one at exrx.net seem to be a bit more conservative (i.e lower numbers for my 15's/10's based on my 5's) so perhaps they are more accurate.
I would just go ahead and use the numbers that the calculator here or on exrx used and adjust as you go. Worst case scenario, you get to your 15 RM and can't quite do it - then just drop your 10 RM a little bit before starting the 10s and you will be fine.
I would just go ahead and use the numbers that the calculator here or on exrx used and adjust as you go. Worst case scenario, you get to your 15 RM and can't quite do it - then just drop your 10 RM a little bit before starting the 10s and you will be fine.

What is the difference between 10RM and 10s??
10rm (rep max) refers to the maximum weight that you can do for 10 reps. "10's" is jargon for the 2 week period (6 workouts, 3 workouts a week) that you lift within the 10 rep range.