Were is everybody?


Active Member
I haven't seen Dan or Scienific Muscle or a lot of the regulars lately.

Just wondering...

actually, I got a hold of some elite rings and I have been busting my ass with them.
The other thing is handstand push ups.....natures answer for the whole upper body!
I've been wondering that too.... Seems like everybody's vanishing act began simultaneously.
(_tim @ Sep. 19 2007,16:17)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I've been wondering that too.... Seems like everybody's vanishing act began simultaneously.</div>
Remember O&amp;G came back for like a month?

I have disappeared for three weeks in May, and I did it again in the last two weeks, but I couldn't see myself removed from here for more than a month.
YEAH ay i haven't been for as long as others but yeah there was some great posting by all those guys ay!

QUICK! someone signal the muscle-signal in the sky!
I dont know if I qualify for a &quot;regular&quot;
but I am training and making very good progress dieting atm. I have hired an experienced trainer (Iron Addict) who is guiding me for 3 months. At the moment I weigh 169 pounds and have never looked leaner before in my whole life.
(Sniggel @ Sep. 24 2007,05:42)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I dont know if I qualify for a &quot;regular&quot;  
but I am training and making very good progress dieting atm. I have hired an experienced trainer (Iron Addict) who is guiding me for 3 months. At the moment I weigh 169 pounds and have never looked leaner before in my whole life.  
Very cool , I enjoy his writings on his and various other boards he moderates and have heard that as a trainer he is top notch.
(RUSS @ Sep. 24 2007,10:47)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Sniggel @ Sep. 24 2007,05:42)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I dont know if I qualify for a &quot;regular&quot;  
but I am training and making very good progress dieting atm. I have hired an experienced trainer (Iron Addict) who is guiding me for 3 months. At the moment I weigh 169 pounds and have never looked leaner before in my whole life.  
Very cool , I enjoy his writings on his and various other boards he moderates and have heard that as a trainer he is top notch.
Have heard so too and seen a person under his training regime being transformed with astonishing results. The guy probably have at least above average genes, but still the results were incredible. I hope, for me, I will at least get good results, then I am satisified.
I have been away from the board for a while but not HST! I keep banging away cycle after cycle. Hoping this will be my best one yet. Been traveling for work quite a bit so it makes it hard to get a good cycle in. Hoping my current cycle will be my best yet. Finally might have my calories dialed in and hoping to cut down to 205 so I can fight in the light heavyweight division of the UFC, lol. Just kidding of course. Started my cut at about 219 and on my way to 205! Thinking I am at about 213-214 right now. If I can stay injury free I will be good to go!

(Joe.Muscle @ Sep. 19 2007,14:45)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I haven't seen Dan or Scienific Muscle or a lot of the regulars lately.

Just wondering...
(Dan Moore @ Oct. 06 2007,10:28)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Lurking
'Lurking, lurking!' he hissed. 'Hobbits always so polite, yes. O nice hobbits! Smeagol brings them up secret ways that nobody else could find. Tired he is, thirsty he is, yes thirsty; and he guides them and he searches for paths, and they say lurk, lurk. Very nice friends, O yes my precious, very nice.'

[with apologies to J.R.R. Tolkien...]
I look in every month or so but I haven't found many topics that piqued my interest much. You run out of things to say after a while. On my 39th cycle now. Took a lot of time off while I sold my business. I pretty much maintained with one full body workout every week or two. Lost more strength and definition than bulk. Current weekly volume is 32 sets spread out over 4 days and 8 workouts. I like em short and without rest. Each body part worked twice per week. Once with 12 reps and then with 8 reps. Pretty much one set of each exercise unless I can't make the requisite reps and then I go to one of the Max Stim techniques. Probably somewhat of a mix of HST and Max Stim, but mostly HST. Gaining strength back pretty fast. Definition taking a bit longer.

Cracked a vertebrae (L1) when I was bucked off a horse chasing cattle out of a hawthorn patch but that hasn't really slowed me up at all. All that core training paid off I think.
I just popped in tonight after a long time away from the forum...my new business and life in general has taken all my time.  I have even taken a break from training for a few weeks...starting to get soft and need to get back into training.  Hmm....at least I should be nice and 'deconditioned'...maybe?!

The old M/W/F: three times/week fullbody is what I will start into again...HST never gets old, it is THE way to train for muscular health.

On a positive note a few weeks ago I was traveling abroad and visited a gym...I was the biggest, strongest guy in the place.  Only about 8 smallish guys training there, but still it felt good to be the top lifter.  It gets frustrating sometimes comparing yourself to great lifters on the 'net from all over the world, but overall I like being fit and muscular and my goals have 'matured' to simply that...I am no longer reaching too hard. (you know trying to get HUGE and break records all with 'average' gentics.)
I am just happy to be me, and be the fittest me I can be.
I will drop in from time to time from now on, but I needed a break.

Keep liftin'!
Hey Carl, glad you could stop by. Hope your self-employed life is going well. It's always a difficult time getting a new business off the ground along with all the other things in life. Glad to hear you are still keeping up with your lifting and that you have now realised we can't all be SJ's!  
It is easier for me to get motivated when I keep my goals realistic. Otherwise if goals are too high, then training becomes a frustration.
Thanks, Lol. Business is going well, slowly but surely growing. (my business and my muscles)