What a failure today!

Old and Grey

Super Moderator
Staff member
Last weekend I did 5 reps of a Close Grip Bench Press at 230 pounds followed by 5 single myo reps. A real difficult 5th rep on my work set but I got it up. Today, I tried the same thing and only got one rep on my work set. Holy shit, wtf? What a swing! What to do? I did not obsess about it or even analyze it. I just ended up doing 10 singles at that weight. Same as my total intended number of reps but done more Max Stim style.

I will start to be worried and start wondering wtf if it happens to me next time. Until then I am just going along with the "lemons into lemonade" saying.

You have good days and you have bad days. Then, once in a while you have days when you should have just stayed in bed!

Now it's almost time to crack open the Vodka and get the cheese fondue going. It's cheat night!

Happy New Year and may all your lifting days be better than the one before in 2-0-1-4!
a few weeks back I tried 405 on the deadlift. I wasn't feeling great but I thought maybe it would happen. I couldn't even move it. It was very demoralizing. Since then I have played with some weight near there but I haven't tried it again yet. Bad days happen and they suck.
For the past couple years as I've been properly tracking my workouts, successes and failures; I am always amazed at how many variables are involved in a "bad" or "good" workout: sleep, food, CNS, hormones, mood, stress... There are days I feel like crap but somehow the heavy weights just come up; and there are days where I feel great and I can't lift or press worth a darn.

One of the many things I LOVE about HST, is that you only need to wait one day before attempting the same lifts again, so any "failures" are usually short-lived.

230x5 is a damn good set for close-grip press, O&G! My guess is that you just had a bad day and you'll be back to full strength at your next attempt!
Yup, it was just a super "off" day. Anyway, into SD now and then starting a series of 4 week undulating 12, 8 and 5 reps with one workout set and 3 to 5 myo sets of 1 to 4 reps. I am shortening the workouts because the standard 6 to 8 week cycle is a bit long on my old muscles. I think shorter cycles will help keep the progress going or at least let me maintain with less risk of injury. I will go back to the standard 15,10,5 HST cycle if I feel any joint trouble starting up but I doubt that 3 less reps will create much more of an opportunity for damage.
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I was doing 4 days per week with an AM/PM split but covering the whole body each workout day. I think that was too much with the myo reps so I am cutting back to 3 days per week or, at most, every other day. One day of 12's, one day of 8's and one day of 5's. I usually split each workout day into an AM/PM session. Not because it is too long, about 40 minutes in total, but I have the time and a home gym and spreading it out keeps me fresher. Basically an upper/lower split but I include the back with the lower workout.