What could this pain be?


New Member
I was wondering if anyone ever had/heard of this pain.

As part of my workout, I do pullups with weights attached with a dipping belt.
The weights range from 45lbs up to 110lbs, depending on reps.

I sometimes get pain in my right: rear tricep/armpit area.
If I had to make a guess, I would say tricep/rear delt/upper lat insertion point.

For instance if Im standing with my back towards you with my arms at my side, its basically at the spot where you can see my armpit.

I pulled a picture off the internet and marked a red spot where I think it is.

First the pain was when I was at the begining of the pullup (at the bottom) and I started to pull myself up.
This went on for a few months, but it only hurt at that point.

Then I changed my workout a bit and went with heavier weights (+110 on pullups), so now it hurt a lot more when I started the pullup and it also hurt when I did cleans - when I was dropping the weight back down. from my neck area back to my knee area...when the weight got to the bottom it pulled on my shoulder and hurt there in the back/tricep area.

It also hurt sometimes if I raised my arms backwards (opposite of front raise)

So I took 3 weeks off, and then went back to the gym and tried some pullups (no weights) and it still hurt.

Then I started a new project and am averaging 13 hours a day of work, and a cold so its been about 6 weeks since I worked out, so I want to start again.

What could the problem be?
and which muscle?

If I can find out which muscle it could be, I will probably start some "rehab" work, just do multiple reps of light weight to increase the blood to that area.

I know...go see a doctor.
But my new project, I have been told no time off between now and March.

See a doctor during lunch?
We dont take lunch, we eat at our desk, and I am in a different state, so my doctor (and doctor network) is in another state.

Switch to narrow grip (10" or less) pullups and it will slowly go away. I had it in both arms, uh, armpits. Do stretches to speed up the healing. Only pull, never bounce a stretch.
It sounds like you could have a strained Teres Minor (part of the rotator cuff). Or possibly a strained Teres Major.
(joseph63 @ Nov. 11 2006,15:55)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Ice the area and work around it. Change exercises, grips, etc</div>
What other exercises can I do instead of pullups?

My understanding is that there are two main types of back exercises:

1. Rows - which work thickness, or the middle traps and rhomboids.
2. Pullups - which work width, and works the lats.

So if I cut out #2 exercises (pullups/chins) what can substitute for them?

(quadancer @ Nov. 11 2006,08:32)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Switch to narrow grip (10&quot; or less) pullups and it will slowly go away. I had it in both arms, uh, armpits. Do stretches to speed up the healing. Only pull, never bounce a stretch.</div>
When I was working out, the last few weeks I did close grip pullups (using a V-bar over a pullup bar) and I felt the pain...but not as much as I did when I did a regular pullup.

But, I felt it a lot when I was dropping/lowering the weight while doing cleans.

What kind of stretches did you do?

(Bulldog @ Nov. 11 2006,09:03)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">It sounds like you could have a strained Teres Minor (part of the rotator cuff).  Or possibly a strained Teres Major.</div>
Someone else told me teres minor also.

do you know of any exercises that target the teres minor/major directly?

Like I partially tore my rotator cuff (supraspinadus) in my other shoulder years ago, and I do exercises that my PT told me trains the supra...directly.

Such as external cable extension (which you see every other guy do in the gym)....front raises with the thumb pointing downward (but only to 45 degrees)

(sard @ Nov. 12 2006,15:24)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">When I was working out, the last few weeks I did close grip pullups (using a V-bar over a pullup bar) and I felt the pain...but not as much as I did when I did a regular pullup.

But, I felt it a lot when I was dropping/lowering the weight while doing cleans.

What kind of stretches did you do?

I do my pullups using a straight chin bar. I don't know if that slight difference in hand position would make any diff or not. Some people say that dumbell bench row are good for lats, although I sort of doubt it's as good as pullups or bentover rows. Just a thought.

To stretch this muscle, it's so simple it's stupid. Just stand next to a wall or doorway with your arm up and lean against your elbow. If you're more flexible than I am, you could grab your raised hand with the other one and pull.
I also have a little trick for stretching the triceps that hits the teres also. Make a fist and put it behind your head, thumb to the rear. Look up.